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outspoken cnt1c of NATO m the
late 1960s and early 1970s.
Strategic Thinking
In the booklet
The Nuclear North
British author (and anti–
nuclear activist) E.P. Thompson,
describes Norway's strategic posi–
tion in this manner:
" In NATO's strategic thinking,
the Soviet Navy is waiting to press
through 'the gate' between Norway
and Iceland while Soviet Backfire
bombers might slip through the
same ' gate,' pass down to the west of
Scotland and lreland, and then turn
sharp left and strike at Western
Europe through the 'back door.' "
Other experts expand this vital
stretch of North Atlantic expanse,
patrolled partly by Norway, to
include an area all the way to Green–
land. They call passageways through
this sector the "Greenland- lceland–
United Kingdom gap," or the "G-
1-UK gap." NATO forces maintain
antisubmarine warfare barriers in
the gap, patrolled on the western
flank from U.S. bases in Iceland and
Thus the Soviet Union is partial–
ly bottled up at its only ice-free
port. And together, Norway, Den–
mark and Sweden are situated at
the entrance to the Baltic Sea, a
(Continued frorn page 1)
itself be compared to a jigsaw
piece. And when put together prop–
erly with other s ubjec ts, the
EMERGES- who and what is God
the Creator, as he reveals himself–
what and why is MAN-what is
God's overall PURPOSE-what is
man's incredible potential- why
such human distress, unhappiness,
evil and violence, and why such ret–
rogression accompanied by such
amazi ng progress a nd human
accomplishment ?
Yes, the Great God now began
opening my mind to a dumbfound–
ing TRUTH! Orthodox Christianity
was accepting and teaching the
opposite of biblical truth. Modern
education was basing its teaching on
the concept of evolution, which
found to be false. Education had
become wholly materialistic. The
world was SICK with problems it
matter of concern for the large
Soviet fleet at Leningrad.
(The Soviet blue-water navy has
only two other exits, both of them
subject to ljmitations as well. The
nation of Turkey controls the Dar–
danelles, the "chokepoint" for the
U.S.S.R.'s Black Sea navy, whereas
distance and the weather 1imit
Soviet operations in the Far East at
Searching for Security
Since World War
Norway and
Denmark have abandoned neutrali–
ty and placed their reliancc upon
the NATO alliance. Jn turn, the
independence of both Sweden and
Finland relies to a great deal upon
maintenance of the sensitive Nor–
dic balance.
is for this reason that all the
loose talk today of Europe and
America going their separate ways
is a disturbing element to Nordic
defense planners. Is NATO on its
last legs, as some feel?
"Norway," notes Johan Jergen
Holst, "is likely to be the last party
to leave the bridge in the event that
N ATO should capsize on her
voyage through the next decade.
The dissolution of NATO would
cause the Nordic pattern to crum–
ble as well."
could not solve, with discontent,
unhappiness, violence, agony and
Religion gave this unhappy world
no hope. Education had no answer.
Governments had no solution.
Science gave no deliverance, but
instead has now produced the weap–
ons of mass destruction to destroy us
all- every man, woman and child on
My in-depth study and research
PROVED the reality of the living Cre–
ator Goo, and that the Holy Bible is
in fact God himself speaking–
revealing himself and spiritual
knowledge to those who, through his
Spirit, are able to comprehend. And
now, at age 91, through his living
Word, God has opened my eyes
kind was created on earth-how this
violent society carne to be devel–
J esus Christ said:
" 1
build my
the pro–
fessed Christian church jumped the
track-and which Church, even to
lnstead of exist ing in a finely bal–
anced relationship, these small coun–
tries of Northwestern Europe could
come under increased pressure from
both the East and from a soon-com–
ing revived Roman Empire in conti–
nental Europe. Their future peace,
security and independence would be
in serious jeopardy.
is time to directly warn the
people living in the "quiet corner of
Europe" of events to unfold in
Bible prophecy that will drastically
affect their lives.
The destinies of the Nordic
countries a re intimately inter–
twined with the fates of the Brit–
ish and American peoples. Yet
few individuals have stopped to
ask: Why have the Anglo-Saxon
peoples and the smaller nations of
Northwestern Europe risen to
such prominent positions in world
affairs in the past two centuries?
What has been the true source of
their unprecedented prosperity?
Why have these great seafaring
nations together controlled at one
time nearly all the vital seagates
in the world?
For the answer to these questions
and for a clear picture of wbat is to
occur, write for the free book
United States and Britain in
this day, is the same original
Church Jesus Christ did found more
than 1,950 years ago!
found, finally, the one true
Church. And
found WHY it is, and
WHAT it is-and how and why so
many differing sects of it developed.
es, and how a WHOLE WORLD, even
as the Bible says (Rev. 12:9), has
been deceived-and very soon, now,
shall be UNdeceived and delivered
from its confusion, violence and suf–
fer ing.
In the next issue of The
make it all plain in the
eye-opening article "Where Is the
True Church?"
All this did not come easily.
Hard, long and diligent study alone
was not enough. l t required open–
ness of mind.
brought an inward
battle with this vain self, which had
to be conquered. It necessitated
was wrong, and will–
ingness to accept truth new to
required accepting and
that truth.