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treats the physical effects, not the
spiritual causes- lust, g reed, self–
ishness. Humanity, it seems, always
ends up treating the effects- not
the cause! To treat the causes
would change life-styles-even this
civilization itself! And
ity is unwilling to do. An under–
s tandi ng of these spiritual laws God
set in motion could lead humanity
away from genetic damage- for
example, babies marred by sexually
unprincipled parents o r drug
God allows humans to sin- to
break spi r itual laws. T herefore God
also has to allow the consequences
of law-breaking. And they
Those consequences are more
than most want to
ndeed, today's defect ive genes
may have been the result of ances-
tra l misconduct-the breaking of
spi ritual laws-decades or perhaps
even a fu ll
earl ier. The
penalties may pass through three
or four generations (Ex. 20:5).
Lust, for example, leads to drug
abuse and children being born
addicted to drugs. Lust leads to
sexually transmitted diseases and
the consequent need for Cesarean
births to prevent infections. Greed
leads to perverting foodstuffs and
a consequent decline in nutrition
leads to d isease.
God has decreed that man, cut
off from a true understanding of
the purpose of life, reap what he
sows in the flesh.
The first two humans set the
tragic pattern for these past near
6,000 years. They foolishly re–
jected God and his revcaled spiri–
tual laws. You can read it for
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yourself in the first three chapters
of Genesis.
The result? God adopted a
hands-off policy. He al lowed
humans to create their own reli–
gions, their own governments and
institutions, their own laws. God
now inte rvenes only as it suits the
purpose that he now is working
But God never intended it to be
that way. Even as he offered the
knowledge of his spiritual laws to
the first humans, he offers it to
humanity today. You are reading
that offer in the pages of this mag–
God may a llow punishment "to
the third and fourth generation,"
but by his g reat merey and promise
o f divine healing he says he shows
" !ove to thousands who love me and
keep my commandments"!
20:6, New lnternational Yersion).
God takes no joy in the physical
manifestation of sin in the form of
cancer, birth defects a nd physical
weakness. "As 1 Iive, says the Lord
God, 1 have no pleasure in the
death of the wicked, but that the
wicked turn from his way and
(Ezek. 33: 11, Revised Standard
Manki nd
by turning to
the way of God instead of its pres–
ent deceived path, find a fulfilling
and satisfying life. Instead of tam–
pering with dangerous molecular
elements to correct the effects of
generations of genetic flaws, scien–
tists could point up the causes of
today's problems and demand we
change our life-styles to
problems from occurring in the
fi rst place.
T hankfully, the time is soon
coming- whether scientists or the–
ologians want it or not- when the
solut ions will be published foral! to
understand and concentrating pri–
marily on the treatment of effects
will cease! 1f you want to learn
more of the soon-coming age when
dangerous genet ic research won't
be necessary, reques t our free
authoritat ive booklet
The Wonder–
ful World Tomorrow-What l t
Will Be Like.
Bi otech is not the ultimate
answer to man's biological prob–
lems. A spiritual solution-making
clear the spiritual causes and
effects- is. o