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Great Earthquakes
Donald D. Schroeder
Major cities and hundreds of millions of people will be taken by
surprise . But you can be prepared!
scient ists, armed
with more accurate
seismic tools, are dis–
covering startli ng new facts.
They warn of the potential
for earthquakes in surprising
places. Millions, they say, are
certain to be caught off guard.
Here is what worries earth
scientists. People have lulled
themselves into complacency with
the false idea that earthquakes are
a matter to be concerned about
only in certain notorious earth–
quake zones.
Sur p rising Jolts
About one year ago, a powerful
earthquake devastated the business
section of Coalinga, an oil and
farming town in California. The
community was resting on a fault
that no one knew existed.
Last October, residents of the
state of ldaho were rudely
reminded of their earthquake risk
when a powerful jolt, registering
6.9 on the Richter scale, tore
through a mountain area leaving a
10-mile-long gash. Two hundred
aftershocks occurred. Two c hildren
were killed. Severa! near–
by states and parts of
Canada were shaken by
this quake.
Another s urpri s ing
quake killed hundreds in
Guinea in West Africa, a
zone of the earth where
ear thquakes are r are.
And last November Bel–
gium suffcred its worst
earthquake in more than
a century. Two persons
died as a consequence.
T he surprise quakc cen–
tered o n
he ci ty of
Liege and registered 5
The truth is, damaging earth–
quakes can occur anywhere. Many
individuals within the past year, in
scattered arcas of the United S tates
and othcr nations, have had to be
joltcd the hard way to learn this
geologic fact of life.
on the Richter scale. British engi–
neers warned t hat so u theast
England could be hit by similar or
larger quakes.
1n recent months, othcr large
earthquakes in Turkcy, Japan and
the Phili ppines hav e killed
hu nd reds. A large earthquake
shook Hawaii Island that could
have caused severe damage had it
struck a heavily populated area.
Ear thquakes and tremors contin–
ue to jolt wide areas of the earth.
Millions are being reminded that
earthquakes and geologic disasters
don't always happen "somewhere
1n past centuries large earth–
quakes could strike areas of the
earth and have little effect outside
the stricken zone. Many of these
earthquake-struck areas were then
sparsely inhabited. And communi–
cations and commerce were such
that much of the world might not
even be aware a disastrous quake
had occurred. No more.
Du ring recent decades the
world's population has exploded.
Complex and highly technological
civilization have been built right
over areas of former earthquake
act ivity.
Cer tain large cities of the devel–
oped world and numerous cities in
the deve loping world have been
built right on the ruins of earth–
quake-ravaged rubble.
At the time of writing this ar ti–
cle, no truly modero industrialized
metropolitan city has been struck
by a great earthquake. But earth–
quake experts warn it is only a mal–
ter of time before one certain ly will
be st ruck . And when one is, it will
not only cause great loss of life and
property, but it could alter the