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(Continued from page 6)
Herbert W. Armstrong, the
President and Founder of Ambas–
sador College and the Ambassador
Cultural Foundation, has played an
important role in the work of the
first met him when he
visited Israel in 1969.
was called upon to welcome
him and his associates to the Knes–
set, in my capacity at that time as
cabinet minister in the Israelí par–
liament. At the luncheon held in
the Knesset we laid the foundation
for an "iron bridge" between
Ambassador College, the Israel
Archaeological Society, the He–
brew University of Jerusalem and
the International Cultural Center
for Youth in Jerusalem. This coop–
erative effort has produced very
positive results.
Since then groups of studcnts
from Ambassador College have
come to Israel to par ticipate in the
archaeological diggings in the Old
C ity and are invited to the ICCY to
attend many different types of cul–
tural programs. This spirit of coop–
eration soon led to participation in
other projects in the city of J erusa–
lem, e.g., a children's playground in
the Liberty Bell Park was built and
(Continued from page 35)
Of course, drastic weight loss is
the primary sign. Lack of men–
strual periods, excessive constipa–
tion , deprcssion, unnecessary loss
of head hair, growth of down-like
hair over the body, intolerancc of
cold temperatures and a danger–
ously low pulse rate are all symp–
The most puzzling symptom to
psychologists is the distorted body
image. No matter how emaciated an
anorectic may get, she feels like she
is "still a little hippy." She feels that
she sti ll "needs to lose just one more
pound." Those suffering with bulim–
ia differ from the anorectic on this
point. Bulimics have a clear percep–
tion of what their bodies look like
and feel that they must continue
their binge-purge cycle to
their weight. Anorectics, by con–
trast, deeply believe that they are
sti 11 fat.
the entrance to the ICCY
bui lding in Jerusalem the
Herbert W. Armstrong
The leaders of the
excavation projects in the
Old City, Professors Ben–
jamín Mazar and Nach–
man Avigad, have ex–
pressed their gratitude for
the roles Ambassador
College and Herbert
Armstrong have played in
this outstanding archaeo–
logical achievement.
television crew enters Liberty BeU Park
playground, cbildren rush to be pbotograpbed.
J oseph Aviram and
Professor Yigal Yadin of
the Israel Archaeological
Society have paid tribute
to Ambassador College's
involvement in these ar–
chaeological activities.
The Mayor of Jerusalem,
Teddy Kollek, has praised
Mr. Armstrong asan out–
s tanding personality of
bears the name of Herbert
In honor of bis continued dedica–
tion to the programs and goals of
the ICCY and for his success in
building bridges between leaders of
nations to promote peace in the
world, the Board of Directors of
the ICCY has named the square at
The Treatment
Help is available for those who suf–
fer from eating disorders.
Treatment of eating disorders
such as anorexia and bul imia vary,
often depending on the stage of ill–
the case is serious, obvious–
ly malnutrition must be dealt with
initially. If malnutrition is mild,
other treatment may be employed
Involvement of the family in
treatment is important. Since a
majar cause of the illness stems
from family relationships, getting
to this root of the problem is abso–
lutely essential.
Self-help techniques are also
important, including relaxation,
seeing nutrition counselors or join–
ing a group especially for people
with similar problcms. Part of this
treatment is the patient's accep–
tance of her natural size, which
means no more self-deception or
lying to oneself! A former anorectic
our time. As honorary treasurer of
the Israel Archaeological Society,
too, applaud the contributions
made by Ambassador College and
Foundation to this important
Let us continue to work together
toward our common goal- peace in
our time.
told one magazine: "Everyone is
not meant to be thin. Sorne women
have heavy calves.... As long as
they feel healthy, women shou ld
forget about trying to look like the
models in the magazine ads."
The dietary principies involved
in treatment of anorexia or bulimia
are always impressed upon the
patient by therapists. The first step
is to determine the basal caloric
requirement and add a small incre–
ment for activity calculated to
maintain weight initially.
An important factor in treatment
is early detection. Tbe longer these
patterns continue, the more diffi–
cult they are to break.
Even though anorexia and other
eating disorders are st ill being stud–
ied, many young people have already
overcome them with help from
others. 1f you or someone you know
has an eating disorder, seek help. lt's
a serious problem-much more seri–
ous than many realize. Jt can be a
matter of life and death. o