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to God's plan and purpose for man–
At that time, all the living will
be reunited with their loved ones.
(The Creator will have specially
altered the quality of the land mass
so it will accommodate all people.)
This will be the greatest " helio" in
Imagine the joy of such an occa–
sion. Imagine all the people with
talents that were undeveloped in
this wasteland we call civilization.
Who knows what they will
achieve? Who knows how many
potential poets, writers, musicians
and scientists died in infancy or
grew up without ever being aware
of their abilities?
All these dead will be brought
back to life. The child and old
man will both have a hundred
years to learn of God's ways (Isa.
During this
00-year period, the
end stage of God's plan for mortals,
no new children will be born to
mortals. After that
00-year peri–
od, the heavens and earth will be
changed to something totally new,
ready for the next stage of God's
eternal plan (Rev. 21: 1-6). This
globe will then no longer be a place
designed for physical, nesh and
blood humans.
This planet, in its new form, will
become the headquarters of the
universe. From here, God will
launch his activities of accomplish–
ment, through us, into the farthest
reaches of space. This is what God
plans for those who choose to
embrace his way- the way of r igh–
teousness-the way of obedience to
his laws.
But what about the incorrigibly
wicked? What about those few
who comprehend God's truths but
refuse to obey? What will happen
to these enemies of God? After
every human being has had one
full chance at happiness, what will
happen to those few who deliber–
ately choose instead the way of
T hey, too, will be resurrected to
a very temporary physical life-the
third resurrection-to be judged
(Rev. 20: 13-15). Their punishment
is a second death by fire. They will
be momentarily "tormented" in
mind like the rich q1an in the par–
able when they realize what is
Apri l 1984
about to happen to them (Luke
16). They will become ashes under
the feet of the r ighteous (Mal.
They will perish forever in a lake of
fire (Rev. 21
How sad that some few deliber–
ately reject God's truth at some
point in their existence.
God is really merciful to put
them out of their suffering for the
whole of eternity. The worst thing
that could happen to people who
are selfish, who want to live the get
way, would be to live forever in
selfishness. God, in bis merey, will
not permit that.
So do not worry about those who
are now dead. They are not in some
fiery hell or intermediate place.
The vas t overwhelming majority of
all the dead have simply not yet had
any opportunity to Jearn of salva–
tion. That will come later-when
they are brought back to life
The unknown warrior is now
dead, feel ing nothing, knowing
nothing. But he will not remain
dead. Like all the other dead, he is
due to be brought back to life
again. God's plan of salvation will
make it possible for the unknown
warrior- with all the other dead–
to have a chance to enter God's
immortal cosmos-ruling family.
Think of it! One day, the
unknown warrior will be resur–
rected from his grave along with
the kings and queens and other dig–
nitaries in Westminster Abbey. He
may be very surprised to find him–
self in such notable company!
Along with them all, be will be giv–
en h is opportunity for rulership
over the galaxies in God's everlast–
ing kingdom!
In the Scriptures, God is quoted as promising, among
numerous other incredible and very desirable blessings,
healing of diseases, physical health and fmancial
prosperity. And the Bible claims that it is impossible for
God to lie.
But how can you be sure? What evidence do we have?
The free booklet
What Js Faith?
the evidence many have overlooked.
For your copy, mail the request card in
this issue or write to the
Plain Truth
office nearest you. See inside front cover
for addresses.