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science, for if there is an afterlife it
is beyond the scope of physical
knowledge. Knowledge of physical
death can be learned through test
tubes and microscopes. But what
lies after death is beyond the natu–
ral sciences to determine. The truth
on this most important of all sub–
jects would have to be revealed by a
Creator God.
Fortunately, the Almighty Cre–
ator who brought it all into being,
who guides and controls all natural
and spiritual laws, has revealed this
knowledge. And he alone is in a
position to answer this question
we face facts, we will realize
that neither the ancient pagan phi–
losophers or the agnostics
have any factual basis on
which to draw firm con–
clusions. Their beliefs are
based purely upon their
own speculations.
Thus, we are left with
only two alternatives. Ei–
ther we can accept God's
divine revelation or we
can admit total igno–
For those who do want
to know the truth, God
reveals the answer to this
most important of a l l
questions. Isn't it time we
clear away the cobwebs of
confusion on this sub–
Will the unknown war–
rior, the other multitudes
who died with him in
war- and all who have
died for whatever cause–
ever live again? Just what
does divine revelation
teach about this vital sub–
What ls Man?
In the Bible, God reveals
"it is appointed unto men once to
die" (Heb. 9:27).
Agnostics could hardly d ispute
this! Whether we die in war or
sorne other way, we do die. Against
man's greatest enemy-death- no
scientific progress has been made
whatsoever. The greatest minds,
the most careful dieters, the most
diligent joggers, all will eventually
die! All eve n tually join the
unknown warrior in his present
state. We have to look to revelation
to determine the nature of that
state of death.
The Bible reveals that when we
d ie, our very thoughts "perish"
with us (Ps. 146:4). There is no
activity, physical or mental, taking
surprise to many who assumed they
have an "immortal soul."
Contrary to popular bel ief, t he
Bible does not, shocking as that
may seem, teach the immortality
of the soul! (See
John 3: 15.)
The doctrine of the immortal soul
come from the Bible–
the words
immortal soul
appear in the Bible! The word
occurs only once and
then refers to God
Tim. 1:17).
T his is sorne of t he most impor–
tant revealed knowledge that a
person can gain.
The word
five times in the Bible. Jesus Christ
only, of all men, has it
6: 16). Jesus brought it "to light
what man is. Man is
"flesh" (John
The grave of tbe unknown warrior at the entra nce of historie Westminster Abbey
has become a symbol of all men from all nations who have died in aU wars.
from the dust of the
earth- "God formed man of the
dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living soul"
(Gen. 2:7). Man does not have a
soul; he
a soul. And souls that sin
die (Ezek. 18:4). This li fe is a
fleshly existence, which is tempo–
rary, physical and mortal. And so
April 1984
place (Eccl. 9:10; Ps. 6:5;
115: 17)-except, that is, for the
deterioration of the flesh. This
means that the dead are totally
unconscious. The agnostic could
hardly argue with that either!
"Dust thou art," says God (Gen.
3: 19). There is no eterna! life
inherent in humans! This is a great
through the gospel"
Tim. 1:10).
We are told to "seek" it (Rom.
Twice we are told that we "put
on immortality" at a
( 1 Cor. 15:53-54).
These scriptures clearly reveal
that man is helpless, mortal, unable
to give himself eterna! life. When a