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threat to the unified German
Thus begins the so-called
1871-1887), the conflict
between Prussia and the Church of
is a struggle between two
rival cultu res and powers- the
Catholic Church and the secular
state. Bismarck's objective is to
wipe out the Yatican's political
influence within the Reich.
"We are not going to Canossa,
either bodily or spirituaJly!" Bis–
marck declares, in an allusion to
the capitulation of Emperor Henry
to the Pope at Canossa in
1077 .
A series of drastic laws are
passed to intimidate the Catholic
clergy. "What is here at stake is a
struggle for power, a struggle as old
as the human race, the struggle for
power between monarchy and
priesthood. That is a struggle for
power which has filled the whole of
German history," Bismarck de–
Pope Pius dies in 1878 after a
pontificate of 32 years-the 1ongest
in the history of the Popes. But the
continues, though on
a lesser scale, for another nine
A major reason for the
had been Bismarck's desire
to create sorne focus for national
resentment. But with the rise of
socialism, Bismarck now sees the
socialists filling that role even bet–
ter. He gradually begins to rescind
his anti-Catholic measures.
New German-l talian Alliance
Bismarck is also active in the inter–
national political arena. On Octo–
ber 7, 1879, he concludes a military
HaveYou Committed
J esus spoke of a certain special kind of sin that "will
not be forgiven" (Matt. 12:31-32). T housands worry,
thinking that they may have committed t his sin. What
about you? What is "the unpardonable
sin"? Our booklet reveals the start li ng
facts! For your free copy, mai l reply
envelope in this issue or write to
our office nearest you. See the inside
front cover for our addresses.
pact with Austria-Hungary, allying
the Habsburgs with Prussian-domi–
nated Germany. The alliance is
designed to render France power–
less against the Reich.
In 1882, ltaly joins, forming the
Triple Alliance.
will remain in
force until Italy's defection in
The ancient ties of Italy and
Germany, extending back to the
days of Charlemagne and Otto the
Great, are reforged. It is the pre–
lude to an era that will arise more
than a half century later under
Adolf Hitler and Benito Musso–
Conflict and Def eat
Emperor William 1 dies March 9,
1888. H is son and successor, Fred–
erick III , lives only a few months.
I n June 1888, Willi am
becomes Emperor of Germany.
The new Kaiser is anxious to direct
the government personally. He
demands the I ron Chancellor's res–
After 38 years of service, Bis–
marck steps down in March 1890.
He ret ires to his castle, Friedrichs–
ruh, near Hamburg. The Kaiser
then sets an aggressively indepen–
dent course in foreign affai rs-a
course that leads eventually to
On June 28, 1914, Archduke
Francis Ferdina nd- heir to the
throne of Austria-Hungary- is
assassinated by a Serbian in the
Balkan town of Sarajevo. The g reat
powers are caught in the webs of
their alliances. The bloody event
triggers World War
When the guns finally fall silent
on November 11, 1918, a stagger–
ing 1O mi Ilion lie dead. And the
German Empire lies vanquished.
The abdication of the Kaiser is
announced November 9. Defeated
Germany is demilitarized and
becomes a republic. A new German
constitution is adopted at the city
of Weimar.
Many German war veterans are
embittered by defeat and the
humiliations imposed on Germany
by the Treaty of Yersailles. Among
them is a young
corporal) by the name of Adolf
(Next month: " Th e Third