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No Subscription
any readers have written to
me personally about our 50th anniversary
issue. Sorne asked why there is no advertising.
Let me explain.
This magazine is UNIQUE! In m a n y ways. No
othcr is like it. No other gives you
UNDERSTANDI G of today's NEWS-of where Ít ÍS
lcading-of what is prophesied biblically for the
ncar future.
No other gives you UNDERSTANDING of the world in
which you live-of the incredible [>ARADOX of modern
20th century awesome PROGRESS, but with appalling
evils, seemingly unsolvable TROUBLES, universa.l
discontent and unhappincss with violence, wars, human
suffe ring.
No Other gives UNOERSTANDING of WHY humanity is
hcre on carth- the real meaning and PURPOSE of
human lifc and what really lies ahead for us.
es, this magazine is PRI CELESs-no subscription
price- no newsstand price- you can't buy it!
May 1 give you sorne very personal experiences from
almost 60 years ago? I had been very successful in thc
advertising profession, in thc magazine and newspaper
business. l had pioneered in making surveys of public
opinion for a natioñal
m~gazinc .
That was my
background befare founding
The Plain Truth.
1 had wondered
this world is full of discontent ,
unhappiness and suffering, with unsolvable problems
and troubles amid such awesome material
advancement. Scientists and educators werc saying,
Aprll 1984
"Given s ufficient KNOWLEDGE, we will solve all our
troublcs and eradicate all our evils." Knowledge rapidly
increased- but so did troublcs and cvils. The
foundation of the 19th and 20th century escalation of
knowledge was the gradual and final acceptance of thc
theory of evolution. This theory became the basic
concept-the eyeglasses through which advancing
knowledge was based. The educators and leading minds
were saying civilization had now advanced to the point
where we could throw away the swaddling clothes of
superstition and the crutch of belief in a Creator
Evolution, advancing knowledge based on it and
modern science became thc new messiahs that were Lo
deliver suffering humanity from its curses, baffiing
problems, evils and sufferings.
But the discontent, evils and suffer ings multiplied .
Evolution failed utterly to solve human problems and
woes. Modern science
until now, finally, it
Newsstands provide major link in transforming casua l new
readers into dedicated
subscribers-all for free.
has produced the weapons of mass destruction that
threaten to annihilatc all human life- to become the
Frankenstein monster that could destroy us all!
In the autumn of 1926
(Continued on page 42)