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from the dead. And it 's
God's great gift-a new life from
God, a birth, not of human parents,
nor from human parents, but from
God , who is the only Being who has
immortal ity to give.
This is the greatest liope in life. It
is the greatest fact in life. There is no
salvation, there is no hope, there is
no eterna) life unless or until you
receive the begettal of the Holy
Spirit of and from God as his gift.
But there are terms and condi–
t ions. Notice what Paul writes in
Romans 8:9, 11: " But ye are not in
the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be
(Continued from page 1)
peoples of the United Kingdom,
Canada, Australia, N ew Zealand
and South Africa. (Send for the
free book
The United States and
BriLain in Prophecy.)
Ezekiel fo retells it (chapters
5: 12 and 6:6) . Moses describes it
(Deuteronomy 28-es pecia l ly
verses 20-24, 32-34 and 49-50; also
Leviticus 26, especially verses 16-
20) . Already these prophecies are
to be carried out.
Al ready the "pride of our power"
(Lev . 26: 19) has been broken. Bri t–
ai n, the former world's number one
power, has been reduced to a sec–
ond-rate power. And the "PRIDE"
of America's power was certainly
broken in Vietnam.
The Great Tribulation is to be
primarily on the United States and
the British peoples! Events leading
to it are smoldering under cover
now, gradually gaining momentum.
And thcn, suddenly, the WORLD
(Continued from page 28)
blows that our earlier lives had
dealt. G radually we worked our
way out of the dingy past and into a
present and future that would g ive
us what neither of us ever had, a
warm and loving family. One that
would allow us to give our children
what we grew up without- uncon–
ditional love, respect, parents who
care for each other and who provide
children with pat ient guidance and
correction wit hout demeaning
them. We found that the children
wanted to please us and wanted to
March 1984
that the Spirit of God dwell in you.
Now if any man have not the Spirit
of Christ, he is none of his [that is,
he is
Christian] .... But if the
Spirit of him that raised up Jesus
from the dead dwell in you, he that
raised up Christ f rom the dead
shall also quicken [make immortal]
your mortal bodies by his Spirit
that dwelleth in you. "
Christ brought this colossal mes–
sage from God. He said in effect,
" Repent of disobedience to God's
rule, and God's laws." He further
said you must believe in Jesus
Christ and
believe the message
War III.
But Jet me tell you,
do not
expect to be here in its path when it
strikes! And YOU need not be one
of its multiple-millions of victims!
Jesus Christ gave the warning
(Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 ).
And when he said, in Luke's version
of his warning: "WATCH YE there–
fore, and pray always, that ye may be
accounted worthy to ESCAPE ALL
THESE THINGS that shall come to
pass, and to stand before the Son of
man" (at bis coming- Luke 21:36),
he was giving you and me a PROMtSE
of divine protection from these very
things he had been describing-/F
watch world events AS PROPH–
ESIED, and remain obedient and con–
t inually in contact with God through
T here is a no ther promise of
miraculous protection from this
Great Tribulation .
is in the thi rd
chapter of Revelation. Beginning
verse 7 is a descr iption of how the
living Christ would OPEN A DOOR
be rewarded when they behaved
wel l.
During these times when we
didn' t know every answer we'd hug
them and love them and just tell
them that we didn' t always know
what todo. But what we had learned
we made clear to them. Our daugh–
ter Shannon is 12 now, and our son
Shanti is 7, and it appears as though
we were basicaJiy right because they
are two very caring, understanding
and loving children.
I'm 35 years old now. J've been
working in a vocational training
facil ity for adult disabled persons
for eight years and am currently
he brought concerning the king–
dom of God , and about how we
may be born into it. Then
you sha/1
this very g ift of the Ho ly
Spirit that is immortal life- the
presence o f eterna) life within
you- the very life, the very nature
and the very character of God.
l f you then live a life of overcom–
ing and grow in grace and knowl–
edge,you sha/1 be
made immortal at
the Second Coming of Christ-by a
resurrection from the dead. Or, if
you are living at that t ime, you shall
be changed into immor tal spi rit
composi t ion and
by which his Gospel may go out to
all the world as a witness and a
warning. That is the very Work
being carried on through the
The P/ain
and related literature.
1n verse
is Christ 's PROMtSE
we have been faithful
WITH HIS WORD, he will also keep
us from " the hour of temptation."
But the marginal reading- the cor–
rect translation from the original
Greek- is
" tria/"
or "Great Tribu–
lat ían."
T hese events are REAL!
This world is hurling itself rap–
idly to the grand-smash CUMAX of
world trouble. C rime, violence,
lawlessness, disrespect for authori–
ty, are increasing at a RAPID
God help us not to treat this
warning lightly.
Take heed and read in Psalm 91
the further promise of PROTECTION
not only through the Great Tribu–
lation, but also the PLAGUES of the
Day of the Lord to follow.
the production manager. 1 also
work as a performing musician
playing at benefit concerts.
The second half of my life is
going well. The love and joy 1
receive from my family , and a little
help from good fri ends, are giving
me a life 1 wouldn' t trade for any
other. 1 rarely forget to feel blessed
and quiet ly thankful. I suppose that
going through the firs t half of my
life without the treasured gifts
have now has given me a special
appreciation for what is often taken
for granted by others.
Li fe had given me what 1 had
dreamed about for so long.