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Bible prophecy reveals the startling futüre of the nations and peoples on the outer rim of Asia!
Keith W. Stump
KNOW! More than
one third of the Bible is
prophecy-most of it for
our day!
Puzzled geopolitical analysts won–
der what will happen next in the
volatile Soutb Asia region. They sim–
piy do not know wbat ultimately will
become of Iran, of Afghanistan,
Pakistan, India and adjoining na–
tions. But you can know!
Momentous Turn of Events
As 1980 began, international atten–
tion was riveted on South Asia. That
vast region- stretching from the
Persian Gulf to the South China
Sea- is in a precarious state of fer–
ment and unrest.
Yet how many know that the
future of the peoples of the vast
South Asia region was recorded mil–
lennia ago in the pages of the Bible?
The stage is now set for the unfolding
of an astounding sequence of Bible
Turn, first, to the bookof Revelation.
Here is revealed a greatend-time poli ti-
May 1980
cal ruler referred to as the "beast"
(Revelation 17). The beast will be a
superdictator over a coming European
confederation of 10 nations- a rebirth
of the Roman Empire.
Daniel says that this European
conqueror will become troubled by
"tidings out of the east and tbe
north" (1 1:44). There can be líttle
doubt about the source of the beast's
trouble. East and north of Palestine
are Russia, China and other nations
of tbe vast Asían continent.
The clear implication of tbis verse
is that a great Eurasian alliance will
ultimately arise at or near tbe end of
the Great Tribulation (mentioned by
Daniel in chapter 12 and in Matthew
24:21) and will totally destroy the
power of the restored Roman Ero–
pire. Much of Asia will eventually be
marsbaled into a great end-time,
Communist-dominated confedera–
cy--eocompassing nearly one balf of
tbe earth's popu1ation!
These Asían armies are also de–
scribed in the book of Ezekiel, chap–
ters 38 and 39.
Mlsunderstood Prophecy
Sorne Bible scholars assert falsely
that these prophecies of Ezekiel were
fulfilled anciently. They never were.
Others believe they are about to
occur- but sorne years
geddon. Both views are erroneous.
The events of Ezekiel 38 and 39
are without question still future-for
the " latter days" (38:16) and " latter
years" (38:8). Moreover, Ezekiel
38:14 describes tbe time setting as
being "in that day wben my people of
Israel dwelleth safely." This is cer–
tainly not the situation in the State of
Israel today! The Israel described by
Ezekiel is a nation tbat dwells in
security, in
unwa/led villages,
unprepared for war (38:8, 11, 14).
Read it for yourself! These circum–
stances will be extant only after the
coming of the Messiah.
Table of Natlons
The composition of the army that
will come against restored twelve
tribes of Israel is clearly defined: