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changes in so–
ciety and in our daily
lives a re destined to
occur within the next
five to twenty years.
Scientists do not forese.e most
of these changes. Business and
governmental planners do not
even begin to g rasp
forced to hire admitted homosex–
uals as teachers and as policemen.
Homosexuality is gradually be–
ing taken for granted as an alter–
nate lifestyle that has no spi ritual
or physical penalties. In California,
the Second District Court of
Appeal recent ly decreed that the
Boy Scouts could no longer ban
theologians do that anymore?
That would make things too sim–
Why, if you did that, sorne
people might even get the idea that
stealing, lying, fornication, adultery
and homosexuality were
ought to be
repented of!
That would be embar-
rassing for most every
human, wouldn't it?
their effect on your dai–
ly life.
You need to know.
And you need to
action- while
th ere is
Prophecy Reveals
And in the realm of
natural forces already
affiicting larger areas of
Africa, the English-
sti ll time!
Our Present lnterlude
Today, many older people
that every–
thing will j ust continue
along the way it always
has. Sure, they know
there will be bumps in the
road. Many remember
World Wa r Il, Korea,
Suez, the Cuban missile
crisis and Vietnam. But
we "got over" them and
carried right on.
As a young man at the
beginn ing of World War
11 , 1 can remember us
singing, " We did it before
and we can do it again!"
1t never occurred to us
that Jandmark changes
would occur in our socie–
ty and that events would
never again be quite the
same. What we have at
the moment is an ínter–
lude before the develop–
ing storm on the national
and international scene.
Roderick C. Meredith
speaking nations are
prophesied to experience
simila r
devastat i ng
drought, famine and dis–
ease epidemics such as
not before struck
our nations.
The U.S. dollar and the
British pound sterling
wi ll event u ally be re–
placed as the key reserve
currencies of internation-
al trade and commerce.
Then, r ising from the
fou ndation already laid
down by the European
Community, a union of
na tions in Europe will
arise and quickly begin to
exert not only a major
economic, but a political,
religious and mil itary in–
ftuence on the world.
The power of this final
restoration of the Roman
Empire will startle both
the Western and the
Soviet-dominated a l–
liances and lead directly
to the most traumatic
Even as 1 write, severa!
international powder kegs
are j ust waiting to blow
up: the Iraq- l ran war
Only one SOURCE can give genuine
understanding of world events.
humankind has ever expe–
How Do We Know?
with its potential for trig-
gering U.S. intervention.
Missile deployment in Europe.
Poland . The Cyprus conftict. The
Korean situation. The Lebanese
On the domestic scene even now
the groundwork is laid for a mas–
sive social upheaval- with its con–
sequent general
as Britain and the
United States have not experi–
enced. Cities and states are being
March 1984
even known homosex uals from
membership. Similar situations are
now occurring in Bri tain. A num–
ber of the larger, most " respected"
churches are seriously discussing
the ordination of admitted homo–
sexuals to their own ministries!
National tragedies?
Ofcourse they are
if you examine
what the Bible directly and clearly
states. But how many permissive
Before proceeding further,
we sbould address the
question many newer readers may
now be asking: How do we
these things will occur? How can we
even say,
"We know"?
Human opin–
ion is not worth anything either in
matters pertaining to the ultimate
future of mankind, or such basic
issues as why are we here ánd what is
the purpose of life.
There is, however, a
knowledge and understanding of