Page 1973 - Church of God Publications

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Teachlng Children
of the U.S., but movies,
me. You have taught me how
The particular article on
1 am a parent of a little girl
newspapers, books have done
to use the Bible.
showed me
AJOS would have to be the
who is coming to the age
the same.
how to follow God's law and
most shameful piece of
when it is necessary to tell her
With what I knew about
to be a responsible Christian.
literature we read in many
about religion and life. Your
this country through American
Richard Demeo
years. God created all human
magazine helps me to teach
books, newspapers, movies, 1
Thunder Bay, Ontario
beings in his image. Being
and guide my daughter about
was rather anxious befare
born helero- or homosexual is
complicated questions little
coming to the States. 1
Your television appearances
like being born with blue or
children ask. Although l am
thought it is a country of
are becoming better all the
brown eyes, the recipient has
not religious, all of your
violence, unsafety, immoral
time. The programs are
no choice in the matter, it is
articles are so logical, and
sex, hatred, materialism. But
forceful and well researched. 1
God's will. How dare your
might 1 add interesting, that 1 after arriving here, 1 found it
feel that you are getting more
magazine set its self up as a
find it so easy to answer her
different. In general, people
effective every year.
The Plain Truth
here are considerate, nice and
Please continue in your
1 am fully aware that this
has helped me through sorne
responsiblc. 1 can say
work a long, long time.
letter will mean nothing to
very difficult, depressing times
Amcricans are people who
H.W. Bentzien
your organization.
in my own life that 1 am
obey the law more than most
Woodlawn, Ontario
Roger Ford
grateful to all of you for a fine
in the world. What has
Youth Speaks
quality magazine. 1 feel that
impressed me most is
West Austral.ia
reading it will let me and my
American houses. Instead of
As a
Plain Truth
reader 1
Your letter does mean
daughter grow to be decent,
high fences and strong gates,
would like you to know that 1
something to us. That is why
loving, trustworthy
as those in many countries,
am a 13-year-old girl who is a
we publish it here to /et
there are green yards and
little confused about what is
others know how difficulr it is
The Bible Course looks
beautiful Aowers in the front
going on in the world around
ro face squarely the fact that
extremely wonderful, as 1 can
of the house. It says that we
The Plain Truth
helps me
individuals are not born
never understand it in the
are living in a free society,
to understand how unfortunate
homosexual. We do oifer help
regular Bible.
that people here are open,
it is for those who live in
to those who write us jor help
hospitable and have good sense countries threatened by war
in th is matter.
Bronx, Nelt· York
of beauty.
every day.
Ngoc Nguyen
Karina Georgiefski
In the past two years 1 have
Refugee' s Vlew of the U.S.
El Toro, California
Athelstan, Quebec
been receiving the
magazine and have
1 am very happy to receive
Stunned to Hear Truth
Hars h Reality
become the more
The Plain Truth
for the first
1 would like to give you my
1 have seen the
Plain Truth
knowledgeable about our
time and how surprised 1 am
unconditional support for
magazine on the racks in
planet and its problems. 1 find
to know that the magazine has spreading the good news and
stores al! over, and fell into
your medica! articles
cxisted for 50 years.
would like to be able to do a
thc trap of believing
particularly complete and
The article 1 am most
lot more. For the first time in
something good does not come
strongly associated with God's
interested in is "The Role of
my life 1 found a purpose for
easy. Why should this
laws- such as the articles on
Television in the Decline of
my existence.
magazine be free? The harsh
AlDS and chronic nicotinism.
U.S. Prestige." 1 am a
When 1 saw Mr. Armstrong reality inside the magazine
They render me not only a lot
Vietnamesc refugee and have
on television 1 was stunned to
hurt and 1 didn't want to read
more educated on the subject
just been here for 6 months. 1 hear the truth.
was different any more, but realized as 1
in question but give me the
totally agree with the author's
from anything 1 have ever
heard you speak on television
points of view. Not only has
been taught. 1would like to
that we have to know the true
E.l. lkonomidis MD
U.S. television made people in
thank Mr. Armstrong and the
Ano Holargos
other countries have a false
Worldwide Church of God for
Jeanette Schick
image of the people and nation making the truth so plain to
Thunder Bay, Ontario
PHOTO CREDITS: Unless otherwise indica ted all credits are left to right. top to bottom. Page 5: Bettman Archive. Sygma, Cutver Pictures, Bettman
Archive, Culver Pictures. Culver Pictures. UPI. Wide World, Sygma. Wide World . W1de World . Sygma, Black Star . PT Photo Page 7: PT Chart by
Smith. Pages 8 to 9, clockwise lrom bottom lelt : Culver Pictures . Culver Pictures. Sygma. Wide World. Culver Pictures. PT Map by Monte Wolverton. Pages
10- 11. 13· 14·
PT Charts by Monte Wolverton Page
Culver Pictures. PT Photo. Page
PT Photo. Page
Bettman Archive. Sygma. Page
P1ctures Page
Wide World, Fisher-Lia•son Page
Culver Pictures. PT Photo Pages
Watson-PT. Watson- PT. Watson-PT, Werings–
PT, Stone-PT, PT Map by Monte Wolverton Pages 26-27 Top right. Killebrew-PT, all others Watson- PT Pages
Watson-PT. Watson-PT.
PT Photo. PT Photo, Werings-PT Pages
Watson-PT. Faull<ner - PT. PT Photo. Watson- PT. Finch- PT Pages
PT Photo. Watson-PT,
Span1sh Government Photo, Watson-PT, Watson-PT. Pages
All photos by Watson-PT. Page
Halford-PT, F1nch- PT. Watson-PT, 01eter
Blum Page 37: Buschmann-PT, Watson-PT, Belluche- PT. Page
Grant-U.N., Mustard-SCS/ USOA, NASA, U.S Air Force. PT Photo. Sygma.
L•a•son, Bundesmini sterium der Ver teidigung-Bonn, Sygma , Wide World . Wide World. Wide World, Wide World , NASA. Page
PT Photo.
February 1984