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certainly proved tbey are incapable
of controlling tbe powerful forces
of nature-though tbey can un–
leasb tbe secrets of tbe atom!
No, tbe fantast ic world tomor–
row will not be a result of politics,
science or technology. lt will not be
by blind chance eitber . Man will
not just accidentally stumble on the
way of peace.
will come from one source,
and one source only. Tbe Eterna!
God will intervene in tbe affairs of
men. He will send Jesus Christ to
bring world peace.
In the fi rst days of tbe New Tes–
tament Churcb tbe apostle Peter
boldly proclaimed, " Repent, then,
and turn to God, so tbat your s ins
may be wiped out, tbat
times of
may come from tbe
Lord, and that he may send tbe
Cbrist, who has bcen appointed for
you-even Jesus. He must remain
in heaven until the time comes for
God to
everything, as he
promised long ago tbrougb his holy
prophets" (Acts 3: 19-21).
But what needs restoring?
Frankly- EVERYTt ii NG!
Mankind has managed to pollute
tbe entire planet. The air is fi lled
witb smoke. The streams, rivers and
lakes are filled with chemicals. The
land has been sprayed with pestí–
cides, herbicides, insecticides and so
many other "cides" that food has
minimal nutritional value.
And we've already discussed
man's total inability to live at
But what needs rcstoring more
than anything else?
Ves, the government of God.
Wben God sends tbe Messiah to
bring about the utopian world
tomorrow, the first arder of busi–
ness is government.
Whcn the Messiah appears the
Bible says: "Out of his mouth
comes a sharp sword with wbich to
strike down the nations [whicb had
bcen rebelling]. He will rule them
with an iron sccpter.... On his
robe and on bis thigh be has this
name written ; KING OF KINGS ANO
LORD OF LOROS" (Rev. 19:15-1 6).
Call tbe event what you will, the
appearance of the Messiah, the
Second Coming of Jesus Cbrist,
tbe end of the age.
all spells the
end of tbis society and tbe dawning
February 1984
of a new age- tbe world tomorrow.
And it begins by God sending J esus
Cbrist to rule ovcr all nations on
Peace at Last
Probably one of the most astound–
ing disappointments of all history
occurred in the trying years befare
World War ll.
Britisb Prime Minister Nevillc
Cbamberlain in 1939 bad been to tbe
Cont inent for discussions with Ger–
man Cbancellor Adolf Hi tler. Upon
bis return to England tbe world
press recorded bis bopes for "peace
in our time."
Witbin montbs Nazi t roops bad
invaded Czecboslovakia. Six
montbs later Hitl er's forces at–
tacked Poland and tbe most cata–
stropbic war in all bistory was
under way.
Sorne 2, 700 years ago God
inspired tbe propbet l saiab to
write, "Tbe way of peace tbey do
not know" (lsa. 59:8).
was true
is st ill true today. The tes–
timony of recorded bistory bears
tbat out.
But in the world tomorrow war
will not be taugbt. In the world
today war is a way of life. Vast
sums are devotcd to defense and
military. Schools of war train men
and women in the ski lls of killing
other human beings.
That kind of financia! allocation
and teaching will soon be a part of
the ancient past.
Notice wbat tbe prophet Micah
wrote abou t the wor ld soon to
come: " Many nations will come
and say, 'Come, let us go up to the
mountain of the Lord, to the house
of the God of J acob. He will tcacb
World Tomorrow
hy should it sound so incredible? The Bible
paints a wholly positive picture about
the government, science,' arts and the social
order of the future. You can read about it in our
free booklet
The Wonderful Wor/d Tomorrow–
What JI Wii/Be Like.
For your copy, mail the card
or write to the
P!ain Truth
office nearest you.