Page 1959 - Church of God Publications

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leaders. The content of these
meetings varies. They focus on the
causes behind world
problems-whether they concern
international, domestic, economic or
spiritual issues.
The photos on these two-page
spreads give our readers a glimpse
into these important personal
meetings. Preceding pages, clockwise
from far upper left: Mr. Armstrong
flies multiple thousands of miles a
year, showing the way to real peace;
Plain Truth
reviews a copy of the magazine with
Yasuhiro Nakasone. prime minister
of Japan, and with a member of the
Japanese Diet; Thailand's Prime
Minister Prem Tinsulanonda
personal/y congratula/es Mr.
Armstrong for the royal Thai
decoration conferred on beha/f of
Thailand's King Bhumibo/ (Mr.
Armstrong received the royal honor
of "Commander of Our Most Noble
Order of the Crown of Thailand");
greeting Kenyan Presiden! Daniel
arap Moi in Nairobi, Kenya; Juan
Carlos, king of Spain, and
Mr. Armstrong converse on the
king's estate outside Madrid (during
the visit the king explained to
Mr. Armstrong his personal interest
in a possible political and economic
union of European nations and the
role Spain would play in such a
On these pages, c/ockwise, Mr.
Armstrong presents a personal
protocol gift to Yitzhak Navon, then
president of Israel;
The Plain Truth
editor in chief and longtime friend
Mayor Teddy Ko//ek of Jerusalem
discuss problems facing the ancient
city; Egyptian Presiden! Hosni
Mubarak in the same office that the
late Presiden! Anwar Sadat met with
Mr. Armstrong; George Ladas,
acting presiden! of Cyprus, receives
Mr. Armstrong in his office;
presenting a gift of Steuben crysta/
to King Hussein of Jordan, a
longtime friend (they first met in
Amman, Jordan, in 1971).