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the intellect and
of tomorrow's
A mbassado' Col/ege wos
founded in 1947 by Herbert
Armstrong for the purpose of
recapturing true values. Today the
college's educational extension
programs reach into most major
Ambassador is not molded in the
traditional image of conventional
universities and colleges. lt is free
f rom the shackles of tradition. lt is
not plagued by student protests,
violence, drugs and immorality. The
college places primary emphasis on
education of the whole individual
and not of the intellect alone.
Ambassador College ís a unique
educational character-building
institution. Jt teaches not only how
ro earn a living, but how to live.
Ambassador students are taught the
missing dimension in education- the
underlying purpose and real meaning
of human liJe, the worthwhile values,
the basic laws of success. Students
are given individual attention in the
development of character, culture
and personality.
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