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(Continued from page 2)
later to be born
Goo, a child
in the Goo
Man is not "god" within himself,
but only mortal flesh and 'b!ood
with a brain empowered with intel–
lect by the human spi ri t.
(Continued from page 14)
sexual community where more than
75 percent of cases occur. Health
officials express fears this disease
may spread more widely in society
through bisexuals, or through drug
addicts passing around infected
needles. Or through infected blood
Our new decade of the 1980s is
plagued with rapidly growing alco–
hol addiction. Every year new mil–
lions slide down the slippery slope
into abuse, illness, c r ime and
William Pollin, director of the
United States lnstitute on Drug
Abuse, told
Plain Truth
"We've gone through a period of
approximately 20 years during
which there was a dramatic
increase in the use of drugs in this
country.... lf you get a
cent increase, that's epidemic. In
the area of drug abuse, we had a
3,000 percent increase."
Virtually every area of life is
(Continued from page 15)
Twenty years or more can elapse
between the first exposure to the
chemical and the onset of cancer.
Consider this: Whole cities have at
times been drinking from contami–
nated wells where toxic wastes ate
their way out of the sides of drums
and then seeped into the water
supply. Physicians may not notice
symptoms for decades. Then trage–
dy strikes!
Who knows what problems our
children face because of continua!
exposure to low detection leve! toxic
Man' s Dilemma
What a dilemma. Man in his desire
for prosperity created a Franken–
stein monster. In his quest for
February 1984
Therefore, man of himself is
infinitesimally of less value than the
self-professed wise of this world
suppose. But, once begotten by the
supreme God through the very
and Spirit of the living God dwell–
ing in him, a human being's poten–
tia! is of infinitely greater value than
the world has understood .
touched by the impact of these
frightening social developments.
Pinpointing Causes, Solution
Mankind long ago rejected knowl–
edge from its Creator that would
have prevented all these curses. We
break God's laws, they break us.
Scriptures are full of the conse–
quences that automatically come on
nations that reject God's laws. Read
especially the cause and effect rela–
tionship in Deuteronomy, chapter
28, and Leviticus, chapter 26.
The apostle Paul was inspired to
prophesy our end-time moral crisis:
" But know this, that in the last
days perilous times will come: for
men will be lovers of themselves,
lovers of money, boasters, proud,
blasphemers, disobedient to par–
ents, unthankful, unholy, unloving,
unforgiving, slanderers, without
self-control, brutal, despisers of
good, traitors .. . lovers of pleasure
rather than lovers of God, having a
form of godliness but denying its
power ..." (II Tim. 3:1-5, RAV) .
Isaiah warned those who would
greater comfort and convenience,
fo r more speed and improved
health, man developed chemicals
resulting in toxic waste and unsus–
pected side effects. Almost no one
at first considered the ramificat ions
to society and future generations.
The ancient prophet graphically
foretold our day: "The earth is
drooping, withering . .. and the sky
wanes with the earth;
for earth has
been polluted by the dwellers on its
face .
Therefore a curse is crush–
ing the earth, alighting on its guilty
folk; mortals are dying off, till few
are left" (Jsa. 24:4-6, Moffatt
t rans.).
The let's-have-it-now philoso–
phy threatens the future genera–
t ion. Only after a particular hor–
ror appears do humans begin to
consider the consequences of what
they have invented. T his is the
Ultimately, born into the Goo
we shall complete the cre–
ation of the enti re endless universe.
We shall continue the creative pro–
cess for ever and ever, in dazzling
splendor and glorified beauty, time
without end.
That is the incredible .human
potential. o
try to turn right values upside
down: "Woe to those who call evil
good, and good evil; who put dark–
ness for light, and light for dark–
ness; who put bitter for sweet, and
sweet for bitter! Woe to those who
are wise in their own eyes ..." ( lsa.
5:20 -21, RAV).
We are all witnessing those woes
Isaiah also foretold our upside
down family crisis: " ... children
are their oppressors, and women
rule over them.... Those who lead
you cause you to err" (Isa. 3:12,
RAV) .
For 50 years, the
Plain Truth
magazine has explained the real
causes of humanity's problems and
warned of earthshaking punish–
ments from wake up nations
to the need for God's supreme rule
and authority over their lives.
Only this magazine and those
behind it will tell you how God's
wonderful plan to restare his gov–
ernment over the earth will soon
put mankind back on the right
moraljspiritual track! o
way of selfishness and self-cen–
It's time to recognize man's lim–
ited wisdom, his careless planning,
and acknowledge that the whole
fabric of society needs changirig.
is time chemical companies
chemica/ consumers
become con–
cerned with causes and effects.
Think before using chemicals
around the home. We should ask
ourselves, " Do 1 really need to use
this chemical? Will it harm my
family?" Educate yourself to alter–
natives-using biodegradable prod–
ucts-instead of using potentially
hazardous chemical compounds. lt
is t ime we all begin to be concerned
for the health and welfare of others
and not j ust ourselves. A further
delay and it may be too late to save
humanity from the consequences of
increasing chemical pollution! o