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day of freedom and peace for all
mankind. He thought no t.
"Science seems ready to confer
upon us, as its final gift, the
power to erase human life from
this planet," he said.
Simply put: Science cannot, by
its very nature, provide the most
important answers in
No doubt
we benefit from living in a scientif–
ically and technologically advanced
environment. But the benefits
der ived from science and technolo–
gy are now being far outweighed by
their negative by-products-war,
and businessmen- look to discover
the answers?
Humans, beginning with the
first man Adam, have opted to
explore experimental knowledge
rather than accept God's revealed
knowledge. lf Adam had taken of
the "tree of life" (Gen. 1-3), he
would have received reveaJed spir–
itual as well as physical knowledge
from the C reator God, telling him
how to solve his problems.
But man succumbed to Satan's
deception-that humanity, not
God, should determine for itself
Thanks to technological innovations, functions performed by computer memories
this size 15 years ago can today be executed by a single microchip that can fit on
your fingertip. Right, robotics aid in auto assembly.
violence, poverty, crime, broken
homes, suffering, immorality, dis–
content and unhappiness. These by–
products cannot be resolved by
science because they are spiritual in
nature and result from broken spir–
itual laws of which science knows
Only True Solution
Are scientists to be blamed? Part–
The most fundamental law of
science is to challenge any con–
crete truth. No sacred truths must
exist in science. Well, it's time we
realized that man's number-one
problem right now is survival!
And the only way to assure
human survival is through the dis–
covery of sacred truths. Where
should scientists--or for that mat–
ter politicians, church leaders,
civic leaders, teachers, bankers
what is right and what is wrong.
And the fallen archangel has been
deceiving humanity ever since into
believing that science-human
knowledge through experimenta–
tion or speculation-can and will
solve our problems, which are
spiritual in nature.
How many people want to hear
about God? Most think the things
of God are foolish. They want to
know even less about his inspired,
revealed written word-today
known as the Holy Bible.
The plain truth is that human–
ity's disobedience to God and his
laws has cut the human race off
from the very source of solving
our problems-that same God and
those same laws! These spiritual
laws man cannot discern for him–
self. They are revealed only in the
Bible. Without them
man cannot
possibly so/ve, on his own. prob-
lems that are not basical/y scien–
tific but spiritual in nature.
Since people have rejected
knowledge from God, God will
also reject them- "because you
have forgotten the law of your
God" (Hos. 4:6, RAV through–
Without spiritual knowledge
mankind has, as one author put it,
"slowed to groping its way into a
fog-bound future, taking sound–
ings as it goes." T his world, lost
without God, has been for nearly
6,000 years reaping the wearying
results of human confusion. For–
tunately, Jesus Christ will step in
soon - and sooner than sorne
would like.
Jesus Christ foresaw our world.
He announced more than 1,900
years ago the technological ad–
vancements and scientific discover–
ies we have today. When he walked
this earth, he warned, "And unless
those days [now today] were short–
ened, no flesh would be saved
[alive]" (Matt. 24:22). He could
only have been talking about socie–
ty today, because only now does
mankind have the capacity to kili
all life on this planet with nuclear
weaponry and chemical and biolog–
ical warfare.
Jesus Christ also predicted the
brushfire wars, the famines, dis–
eases, natural disasters and immo–
rality plaguing different areas of
the world today. People don't want
to face the causes of these prob–
lems-broken spiritual Jaws. They
say-like they did in the prophet
Isaiah's time- "Do not prophesy to
us right things; speak to us smooth
things, prophesy deceits" (Isa.
30:1 0).
This magazine cries aloud that
punishment will unquestionably
come to nations if they do not
repent and seek the true God. But
we also proclaim the good news of
the soon-coming government of
God to bring us peace at last-the
wonderful world of tomorrow.
Six thousand years of human rule,
under the sway of Satan, are almost
up. Soon a utopía of God's making
will be here with a time of unprece–
dented peace and happiness- for all.
Then the earth shall indeed be full of
the knowledge of the Eterna! God as
the waters cover the sea (lsa. 11 :9).
God hasten that day! o