In 1977, then President Jimmy
Carter and the late Gen. Ornar
Torrijas of Panama signed a treaty
in which the United States agreed
to turn complete control of thc
Canal over to Panama in 1999.
In November 1965,
The Plain
warned, "We said befare,
and we repeat: America· will not
keep the Canal!" Bible prophecy
clearly points out that
tant "sea gates"-for instance, the
Falkland lslands-held by the
United States and Britajn will fall
into the hands of others.
The Wo rld in Focus
The Plain Truth
has continued lo
that oil would play a major role in
the earthshaking events that are
yet ahead of us.
The Plai n Truth
has also
focused on the subject of weather
conditions. Our readers have long
been kept abreast of the world's
upset weather patterns, drought,
floods, earthquakes and famines in
light of what these events
mean and
they are occur–
The Role of World
In J une 1945, 50 nations met m
San Fra ncisco, California, to
approve the United Nations Char-
*Sourca: Tha World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1935.
U.S. Census
Bureau, Cantar for lntarnationa/ Research.
focus our readers' attention on the
Middle East-the focal point of
Bible prophecy. Long befare the
world was rudely awakened by the
oi l embargo of the early 1970s,
this magazine was pointing ou t
ter. l t was believed that only a
world governing body could save
mankind from further and even
more frightening mass destruction
than experienced during World
War 11.
This ncw body would supposedly
have the power to act where its
predecessor, the League of Na–
tions, had utterly failed.
Editor in chief Herbert Arm–
strong was at that meeting in San
Francisco and declared in the J anu–
ary- February 1945 issue of the
magazine, "The plain truth is that
the United Nat ions never will be
able to give the world any perma–
nent peace."
The League of Nations was
unable to prevent the catastrophic
events of its day, neither has the
United Nations been able to pre–
vent the suffering mankind has
experienced since the Second
World War . Witness the more
than 140 wars and countless
bloody ski rmishes fought since
One report, released in 1983 by
the Center for Defense l nforma–
tion, noted that one in four
nations was engaged in major or
minor conflicts. These struggles,
to date, have taken an estimated
one to five million lives with as
many as three times that number
The Bible reveals that mankind
will experience peace-and peace
in our time (Luke 21 :29-33)- but
in spite of man's best efforts, not
because of them.
Everybody today "senses that
somet h ing is wrong with the
world ... that sorne mighty event is
about to occur."
Soon God will intervene direct–
ly in the affairs of man to impose
peace on the nations. This will be
accomp l ished through a long
awaited "mighty event"-the re–
turn of J esus Christ to this
l nstead of retaining false hopes
of a human-devised wor ld govern–
The Plain Truth
has for 50
years pointed to the ultimate solu–
tion for solving mankind's over–
whelming problems. We announce
the restoration of the government
of God by divine intervention in
human affairs and the establish–
ment of the law of God to bring
j ustice and true merey to a con–
fused world.
The Plain Truth
continue to keep you informed of
the real news- news that will
affect you- until our commission
( Matt. 24: 14) is completed.