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critics believe Orwell meant the
novel as a warning.
Psychoanalyst Erich Fromm
writes: "The mood it expresses is
that of near despair about the
future of man, and the warning is
that unless the course of history
changes, men all over the world
will lose their most human quali–
ties, will become soulless automa–
tons, and will not even be aware of
In his novel Orwell sums up his
own thoughts through his c haracter
Winston Smith: " He had still , he
reftected , not learned the ultimate
secret. He understood
He did
not understand
In thi s fiction a l world, true
knowledge of the past is
completely lost. Nobody
really knows where hu-
mans carne from, where
they ' re going or what
considerations of shor t-lived value.
It has become embarrassing to
appeal to eternal concepts, embar–
rassing to state that evil makes its
home in the individual human heart
befare it enters a pol itical sys–
The principal cause of 20th
century evi ls? "Men have forgot–
ten God; that's why all this has
happened ," Mr. Solzhenitsyn
said .
Yes, humanity, pathetically de–
ceived about the true causes of evil ,
wonders why the nuclear sword of
Damocles hovers ma levolently
overhead, why poverty and crime
seem unconquerable, why thou–
sands each ye
ar die needlessly in
ernment of God that we announce
in the pages of
The P/ain
Do you know what it would be
like if this world were ruled by the
government and laws of God
instead of modern variat ions on
Orwell's INGSOC? Humanity has
been able to discover a gov–
ernment that rules perfectly over
all men and women even though
philosophers and statesmen have
penned millions of words about
perfect government.
Few are courageous enough to
admit that they never found it.
Orwell 's character Winston Smith
never found it.
kind of government will
produce the good that
humans long for.
Would anyone dare
believe that such a loss of
understanding could ac–
t ually happen in the real
But an authoritative announce–
ment concerning the only
true, perfect government
come. And, believe it
or not , that same good
news was vi rtually
snuffed out
a lmost as
soon as it began to
become known!
has become embarrassing to
appeal to eternal concepts,
embarrassing to state that evil makes
its home in the
Jesus Christ, the Son
of God, carne nearly
2,000 years ago to de–
liver that message of per–
fect government.
called the "good news,"
or gospel (which is sim–
ply an old Anglo-Saxon
It has!
The amazing fac t is
that it
happen- vital
knowledge of humanity's
individual human heart before it enters
a political system.. ..
Meo have forgotten God; that's why
all this has happened.
word meaning "good
message"). J esus Christ
bimself declared his pur–
pose on ear th: "1 must
preach the good news of
the kingdom of God ...
for 1 was sent for this
purpose" (Luke 4 :43,
RSV) .
true origins, of humani-
ty's awesome purpose and
of the one government
that will bring us peace,
suppressed and near-
ly irretrievably lost.
And it happened
befare George Orwell
ever walked the face of the earth!
An Astoundíng Factl
Although Geo r ge Orwell was
known to hate cruelty and injustice,
he held out little hope for humani–
ty. He could not understand why
things had become so bad in this
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a liter–
ary giant profoundly familiar with
the ravages of both disinformation
and war,
significantly under–
stand. H e declared the reason
befare British royalty: "The con–
cepts of good and evil have been
ridiculed for severa! centuries; ban–
ished from common use, they have
been replaced by political or class
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
war, why divorce rates spi ral
upward, why thousands starve dai–
ly. Orwell was among those who
In intellectual vanity, humanity
as a whole refuses to consider that
we have brought evils on ourselves
by turning our backs on our Cre–
ator and his laws! All of this could
have been avoided had humanity
not rejected and suppressed the
now-neglected and nearly forgot–
ten revealed knowledge of God.
Orwell would have been as–
tounded if he had known how sup–
pressed and how profound is the
answer to Winston Smith's prob–
lems! This suppressed knowledge
centers on government- the gov-
And deliver it he did!
What was that pure, unadulter–
ated gospel message that was suc–
cess fully suppressed for nearly
,900 years after Christ's resur–
The vast majority of humanity
do not realize that in addition to
being the announcer of this all–
impor tant yet rarely heard mes–
sage of the government of God,
J esus Christ is also its soon-com–
ing head! This was authoritatively
prophesied in Isaiah 9:6-7: "Unto
us a Son is given; and
the govern–
[of God] will be upon His
shoulder .... Of the increase of
His government and peace
will be no end ... to arder it and