(Continued from page
" This generation will take up arms
agai nst Israel and the next one too
unti l the Arab Nation emerges vic–
torious. "
Joínt Arab Force
Will Syria take on Israel single–
handedly? "Yes, if necessary,"
Syrians answer.
Most Syrians, however, expect
Syria's close allies to become
directly involved should another
major Mideast war erupt. Libya's
strongman, M uammar Kadafi, has
personally visited Damascus to dis–
cuss military cooperation between
his country and Syria
in the face of the " Is–
raelí threat."
This writer was in–
formed that a sizable
contingent of Libyan
troops has been in
Lebanon's Bekaa Val–
ley alongside Syrians
since the summer of
1982. A lesser number
of 1ran ians- 400 or
so- a re also reportedly
in the Bekaa.
"We do not want a premature
war," said one university student.
"But Israel 's military provocations
may leave us no choice. We will
fight when we must. 1 believe it
will be soon."
"1984 will be the year," predict–
ed another student. "I have con–
tacts who know. The Israelis are
going to
The potential for war is indeed
here. Tensions could build, then
erupt into carnage, plunging the
region into tragedy and bringíng
the risk of superpower confronta–
tion! Bible prophecies do predict a
growing crisis, exploding into a
major international conflict. But
they do not reveal a specific
Why lncreasíng
From the standpoint of
the present time and
the present world, the
tangled Arab-lsraeli
situation is increasingly
The gu lf between the
two s ides on
remain s wide
and deep. No signifi–
cant compromises are
in sight.
Algeria and South
Yemen are also fre–
quently mentioned as
a llies on whom Damas–
cus can count in the
event of full -scale Mid-
Syrian President Hafez
a i-'Assad, 55, enjoys
widespread popuiarity
inside his country.
As often explained
in the pages of
Plain Truth ,
prophecy foretells con–
tinuing instability and
east war.
"Only through a joint Arab milí–
tary force can Israel's backbone be
broken and its arrogance smashed,"
declared one Syrian newspaper edi–
torial. Syrians are confident that a
united Arab strike would be devas–
tating to Israel.
Alone or with allies, Syria could
undeniably inflict casualties in
numbers greater than ever before.
Few military experts doubt that
Syria could strike a damagíng blow
with the advanced hardware now
being suppl ied by the Soviet
But many analysts a lso believe
Israel would sti ll win, despite any
heavy damage inflictcd by the
Syrians. But the cost of victory
cou ld be intolerably high for either
do Syrians think this "in–
evitable" war will come?
upheaval throughout the region–
ultimately culminating in a
global crisis
centeri ng on J erusa–
For an overview of the events
that lie just ahead for the Middle
East, write for your free copy of
The Book of Reve/ation Unvei/ed
at Last.
Also, request
World Peace
-How lt Will Come
for a look at
how the seeming ly unsolvable
Mideast problem
ultimately be
solved .
Coming articles in
The P/ain
will also alert you to impor–
tant trends and developments in the
ongoing Arab-lsraeli dispute.
Meanwhile, keep your eyes on
Syria. The prophecies of the Bible
are moving toward fulfillment in
this generation. Soon-coming
events will
an unsuspecting
Passion for Pleasure
(Continued from page JO)
through God's H oly Spirit (Gal.
Because humans have not sought
their Creator, " I have taken away
M y peace from this people," God
says (Jer. 16:5).
Thankfully, with God it is possi–
ble to bring oneself to a whole new
attitude toward life. Only by living
honestly with fellowman and hum–
bly before God (Mic. 6:8) can you
attain contentment and take com–
fort in knowing absolutely that God
has the supernatural power to grant
you safety and guarantee you peace
of mind in an age where genocide is
all too possi ble.
J esus Christ has promised to
save mankind from extinction and
set aright values and morals. At
that time escape won't be neces–
sary. That great master plan is out–
lined in Revelation, the book so
often considered enigmatic. But
our attractively printed booklet
The Book of Reve/ation Unvei/ed
at Last
unmasks this plan and is
yours for the asking.
No longer do you have to live
with a bleak future, wondering
whether you will survive nuclear
devastation, keep your job or keep
from sufferíng. You won't grope
futilely at entertainment, pleasures,
alcohol, drugs or a host of other
secular activit ies, hoping that they,
of themselves, will provide lasting
relief or happiness.
Make no mistake: Peace of mind
can only come from contact with
God's Spirit, living the "give" way
of life portrayed by Jesus Christ,
who suffered the penalty of our sins
in our stead. "For to be carnally
minded is death, but to be spiri–
tually minded is life
and peace"
(Rom. 8:6).
David knew this source of every–
thing good in this life and for all
eternity: "Great peace [and fulfill–
ment] have those who !ove Your
law" (Ps. 119:165). Write for a
free reprint of the article "This Is
the Life!-Real Abundant Living"
for more on how to find that fulfill–
Living God's way brings under–
standing of the true purpose for life
and a means of attaining the ulti–
mate satisfaction: eterna! lífe.