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Word, in the beginning-before
ANYTHING had been created-was
with God, and He, also, was God.
Now how could that be?
Well, the son of a man named
Smith might be
Smith (his
father) , and he also
Smith, because
he takes his father 's name-yet he is
a separate person,
Smith (his
father) , and he also
The only point of dilference in that
analogy is that the Word, at the time
of John 1: 1, was not, yet, the Son of
God. But He was
God, and He
also was God.
They were not yet Father and
Son-but they were the foundation
of what was
to become
the Goo
That Family is composed, now, of
God the Father, and Jesus Christ His
Son, and many begotten humans who
already, NOW, are begotten SONS OF
Goo (Romans 8:14, 16; I John 3:2).
That FAMILY aspect-the Go'o
FAMILY- is vitally important, and
this will be thoroughly explained
later .
But now, where are y¡e?
Long before anything else existed,
there did exist two Supreme Beings,
immortal, who ALWAYS liad existed.
Your mind cán't quite conceive that
"always," but neither can it quite
conceive of
what is
electricity! Yet
you know electricity exists and is
So back to our question, "WHO
and WHAT is God?" Before
else carne into existence there was
God, and the Word. Two Persons–
not three. And, verse 2 of John 1, a
things (the universe) were made by
the Word.
Now understand this, by adding
Ephesians 3:9: " ... God , who
created all things by Jesus Christ."
Let me explain. In the first week in
January, 1914,
was sent by a
national magazine to Detroit, Michi–
gan, to interview Henry Ford to
obtain material for an article on his
sensational new $5-a-day wage poli–
saw Henry Ford in the adminis–
tration building, wearing a business
suit with white collar and necktie.
Then I looked across the breeze-way
into the giant factory (then the High–
land Park factory) and
saw perhaps
thousands of men in overalls, work–
ing at machines powered with electri–
cal energy. Mr. Ford was called the
of the Ford car. But he made
the cars
these workmen, who used
the power of electricity and ma–
In the same manner, God the
Father is Creator. But he "created all
things by Jesus Christ." Jesus is the
is written, "He spake, and it
was done" (Psalm 33:9). God tells
Christ what to do (John 8:28-29).
Jesus then speaks, as the workman,
and the Holy Spirit is the POWER
that responds and does what Jesus
Thus, as we read further, in Colos–
sians 1, beginning verse 12, "Giving
thanks unto the Father, which hath
... translated us into the kingdom of
his dear Son . .. Who is the image of
the invisible God [same appearance,
form and shape and character]: For by
him wereall thingscreated, thatare in
heaven, and that are in earth, visible
and invisible, whether they be thrones,
or dominions, or principalities, or
powers: all things were created by him
and for him; and he is beforeall things,
and by him all things consist" (verses
12-13, 15-17).
Therefore God's Word reveals that
God and the Word- two Supreme
Personages- coexisted ALWAYS–
and before ANYTHING had been
created-including this earth, and
the entire universe.
There was a time, therefore, when
those two Personages coexisted and
No third Person is mentioned-no
"Ghost." Both Persons are SPIRIT,
and project their Spirit.
How long must they 1'\ave thought,
and planned, and designed, before
even beginning to create anything
But matter- this earth, the stars,
nebulae, galaxies-was not the first
thing they created.
They creat.ed
angels before the creation ofmatter.
God speaks of the creation of the
earth in the 38th chapter of Job. He
says that, at the creation of the earth,
all the angels shouted for joy (verse
7). Therefore all the angels already
were in existence when the earth was
first created.
In Genesis 1:1 it speaks of God
creating the earth and the heavens. In
the King James translation the word
heaven-singular- is used. But the
original Hebrew as Moses wrote, and
as other transla tions render it, is in the
plural- heavens- implying that the
whole material universe was created
simultaneously with the earth. This is
plainly stated in Genesis 2:4: "These
arethegenerations [beginnings] ofthe
heavens (plural) and the earth, when
they werecreated ..."
However, that might have been
multiple thousands or millions of
years ago. Angels were placed on
earth before the creation of man.
Since angels are immortal spirit
beings, they might have dwelt here
thousands or millions of years before
the creation of man. How many God
does not reveal. The earth, at first,
was the abode of angels. But, Jude 6,
"And the angels which kept not their
first estate, but left their own habita–
tion [the earth] ..."
What ls God's Appearance?
Now more detail on WHO and WHAT
God is Spirit (John 4:24, Revised
Standard Version). God and the
Word were composed of SPIRIT. Not
matter. Not flesh and blood, like
humans. God is
to human
eyes (Co1ossians 1:15) .
How about form and shape?
In Genesis
:26, "God said, Let us
make man in our image, after our
likeness." We know what form and
shape is that ofman.That is the image,
likeness, form and shapeofGod.
In various parts of the Bible, it is
revealed that God has a face, eyes, a
nose, mouth and ears. He has hair on
His head.
is revealed God has arms
and legs. And God has hands and
fingers. No animal, fowl, bird, fish,
insect or any other kind of life we
know of has hands like human hands.
Even if any other living being of
which we know had a mind to think
with, without hands and fingers he
could not design and make things as
aman does.
God has feet and toes and a body.
God has a mind. Animals have
brains, but no mind power.
you know what aman looks like,
you know what is the form and shape
of Goo, for He made tnan in His
image, after His very likeness!
One of Jesus' disciples asked Him
what God the Father looks like. Jesus
replied: "Have
been so long time
with you, and yet hast thou not
known me, Philip? He that hath seen
me hath seen the Father ..." (John