(Continued from page 14)
Or just because learned men
question something Jesus said, it
doesn't therefore become suspect.
Scholars ha ve q uestioned
whether Jesus was really the Son
of God, or even whether he exist–
ed . Ministers have openly debated
whether he actually did die on thc
cross. Today we have theologians
who have suggested that God is
after all not
powerful. Thcy
think that he would
to do
something about this awful world,
but he can't. He lacks the power
to combat thc overwhelming
This kind of nonsense is being
advanced by sorne who claim to be
Christian teachers. The apostle
Paul described them well- ever
learning but never coming to thc
truth! The trouble is, they take
(Continued from page 7)
unity of purpose and its ability to
bring together política! parties
which share common ideals." All
admirable- from an idealistic point
of view.
Preclous Little Llberty!
lnternational freedom, justice and
liberty were basic themes of these
meetings. But in truth there is pre–
ctous little of these commodities
left in the world. In general, totali–
tarianism reigns in the world. Polit–
ically speaking, mill ions upon mil–
lions of human beings experience
few personal fre.edoms.
True, human beings do join
themselves togethcr with otber
human beings. They associate
themselves with others to accom–
plish a common purpose. But that
purpose that is common to them is
often at variance with the goals of
another group or groups.
The Coming of a World
Human groups are in a constant
state of confusion . Sorne members
are always splitting off to form
other groups. And the purposes,
aims and goals of any one g roup
tend to change over time. Ln the
end it seems people unite to éventu–
ally divide.
others down with them. Like that
woman in Austria.
1 hope what 1 told her gave her
sorne of her faith back.
1 explained to her that the clear
words of hope that she had once
read in the Bible
were sti/1 there.
But 1 also warned her that befare
she "bought a linc" from a teacher,
she had better check if he is telling
thc truth.
In matters of rcligious belief, a
person had better be sure of where
he stands. During centuries past an
honest man had to consider carefull y
what he believed. ]n the casual reli–
gious climate of thc West today, wc
can get away with being nonchalant
and superficial. But we are again
coming to a point in history when
religion will be of great consequencc.
If we are to believe Bible prophecy
(do we?), millions are going to be
deceived, and will be caught up in a
massive lie. Thus, Jesus Christ
coming again- in spite of those who
say he isn't. Tragically, millions who
bel ieve themselves to be devout
C hrist ians will resist him with the
full fury of modern warfare. They
will have been told tbat he is the
Antichrist- and
they wi/1 hove
believed it,
having accepted someone
else as the Christ.
Could you be among them? You
could-if you are not basing the
things you believe on a sure foun–
dation of truth .
For 50 years, this magazine has
claimed to be
The Plain Truth .
editor in chief Herbert W . Arm–
strong has always said , "Don't just
believe us-check it up in your
Bible." 1n other words, makc sure
what you believe is the truth .
Today, it will mean a renewed
faith, confidence and peace of
Tomorrow, it may mean life
-John Halford
At the birth of the lnternational Democrat Union (IDU), its leaders claimed
the support of 150 million people, double the support of the Socialist
lnternational. These figures mean little in the world of international politics.
Only the eterna! God can bring
order out of all this chaos. This is
the promise of all the prophets in
the Holy Biblc. The Word of God
speaks of
"the times of restitution
of al/ things.
which God hath spo–
ken by the mouth of all his holy
prophets since the world began"
(Acts 3:21 ). The overriding pur–
pose of this magazine is to herald
that future world government- a
utopian state with superhuman
rulers who will finally unite this
divided world through a common
Jesus said to pray, " Thy King–
dom come!" When that happens
God 's governmcnt will "girdle the
earth with a great domin ion of
mind and spirit." Then the world
will "bave a new birth of free–
dom." o