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What is good? What is
normal and what is
deviant? Only the
Word of God can
supply the true answers
In its pages are revealed the
causes of today's
ills- the social problems, the
economic problems,
international problems.
Wh y?
Simply because when
most people try to read
the Bible, they try to
understand it through
to these and other
crucial questions with
which humanity ls
God, through his
written word, tells us
what we are, how to
live, and how and when
we can achieve our
ultimate human
potential. Thc Bible
spells out thc way to
peace and happiness for
all humanity- vital
knowledge that is
missing from our
schools, universities and
evcn our churches.
The Bible claims to
be God's revclation to
man of
of laws and principies
that man is unable to
discover for himself.
The law of gravity, for
example, is not directly
revealed in the Bible.
God equipped man with
the powers and abi lities
lo discover lhe law of
gravity for himself.
But man has not been able to discover with
he is and
he was put here on
earth-whelher there is a real
for human
life or what that purpose is. Man has not been able
to discover the true way lo peace, happiness,
abundant well-being and real success.
Only in the Bible can one find this necessary basic
The Foundatlon o f Knowled ge
God inspircd the Bible to be the very
of true
educat ion. The Bible, Í.hen, is the
foundation of
gives the true approach to the
acquisition of knowledge in the fields of history,
education, psychology, sociology and the health
reveals basic principies concerning
business, commerce, science, the arts, law,
government, philosophy and religion.
But ironically, this "book of the year" is the least
understood of all books.
November / Oecember 1983
the beliefs of their
particular religious
People could
understand the Bible- if
they were reaJJy willing
to study it and accept it
for whal it says. And it
doesn't say what most
people think it says. The
Bible is plain and simple.
means exactly what it
says. lf we take itas it
is- without trying to
read personal opinions
into it- then the Bible
makes real sense. I t pre–
sents what some have
called "the thinking
man's religion."
For more than 25
years, the Ambassador
College Bible
Correspondence Course
has been helping
.. thousands to understand
what the Bible says. This
course is a totally
g different method of
Bible study.
makes the
Bible easy to understand
and shows how it is
relevant lo the space age. lt is dynamic, down-to-earth.
tells the truth straight from the Bible itself.
Students from all walks of life are enrolled in this
course- even ministers of religion. They are
enthusiastically discovering new
in their Bibles
with the guidance of each lesson.
They are learning that there is hope for the
future- that there are
to the seemingly
insoluble problems of today. They are learning the keys
to unders tanding Bible prophecy and the principies
that lead to success, financia! security and a happy,
abundant life.
You, too, can begin to share these same experiences
by studying t he Ambassador College Bible
Correspondence Course. There is no tuition cost. To
enroll and obtain your free lessons, write to the office
nearest you. The address is on the inside cover.
Although 1983 was proclaimed "The Year of the
Bible," the Bible should be studied
daily-every year.
It is the Book of Life for
all times.