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est rates and severe worldwide
Other economísts regularly q ual–
ify their forecasts, assertíng that
the situation remains critica! and
unstable. A series of índependent
wrong decisions could topple the
entire picture.
Security from what economísts
call the "irresponsib le doomsday
scenario" can on ly come from
majar industrialized nations work–
ing closely together. Martín S.
Feldstein, P resident R eagan's chief
economíst, summed it up:
surely true, as Benjamín Franklin
said in q uite a d ifferent context,
that 'We must aH hang together, or
we shall all hang separately.'"
But most privately admit that
the potential for a majar, awesome–
ly destructive fiscal ho locaust
remains alarmingly h igh.
The Unexpected Outcome
Oiher economists and pol i tical
leaders, not content merely to wait
out the cr isis, now call for more
radical solutions.
Paul Volcker, chairman of
U.S. Federal Resene
The fiscal
and political risks
" ... are without
precedent in the
postwar world."
Writing in
Foreign Affairs,
Albert Bressand (deputy director
of the Institut F rancais des R ela–
tions Internationales ( I FRI ) de–
clared, " ... national policymakers
have obviously lost con t rol over
their much cher ished spheres of
economic autonomy." Dr. Bressand
asserts t hat the West must now rec–
ognize the
de jacto
existence of a
global economy.
Will the world ult imately be
forced to embrace a global econo–
Yes! Two
separate world econo–
mies are coming-one to follow t he
T be source of this foreknowledge
is available in a book wid ely avail–
able in dozens of languages, but
rarely, if ever, consulted in eco–
nomic matters. We call
the Holy
T he terrible irony is that this
overl ooked book explains the
und erlying laws of economics-the
means to avoid fiscal disaster–
but economists have not realized
This book explains the cause of
inflation ( Hag.
the bíblica!
rules governing interest rates (Ex.
22:25), the only fully effective way
to adjust for long-term economic
growth (Lev. 25) and a truly equi–
table welfare and social security
system ( Deut. 26:12-15).
Yet, it is virtually ignored-and
that accoun ts for the reason the
nations face so much economic tur–
moi l today.
You see, these laws explained in
the Bible are just that- /aws. But
they differ from the laws that
humanity legislates. God's laws
cannot be defied without incurring
a vis ible setback.
they are d efied , the
ad verse effects
Perhaps you have
heard that the B ible
for bids actions based
on greed. Can you
imagine wbat the fi scal
outlook would be like
today if that
cept was widely fo l–
" T hese are p r inci–
p ies that no one could
follow in today's busi–
ness world," sorne may
But continued defiance will only
bring disaster on all, including the
greedy! H umanity must realize that
time is quickly expiring-the room
for maneuvering has all but disap–
Perhaps you did not realize that
there are only two basic .ways of
life. Science and economics know
little, if anyth ing, about these two
ways of li fe.
H uman ity has but two choices: to
embrace a way of life summarized as
a way of
of out flowing )ove;
or a way of "get ," of competitively
taking with no concern for ot hers.
The latter way of life in operation in
every nation today virtually guaran–
tees eventual destruction!
Sadly, it appears humanity
remains bent on choosing the latter
way, which willlead to the startling,
prophesied rise of a new consortium
of nations in Europe and the rise of a
worldwide economy in an
attempt to get around the conse–
quence of today's greed and selfish–
ness in the marketplace (Rev. 18: ll -
18; Ezek. 27: 1-36). T his world eco–
nomic system will inevitably fall
(Rev. 18:11), to be replaced by an
efficient, prosperous, internationally
linked economy, personally directed
by the divine Personage who origi–
nally revealed aU economic law:
J esus Christ, the son of God.
Look to Thi s !
Mythologic fantasy? Hardly. The
economic laws revealed by Jesus
under the guidance of God the
Father are the only answer, even in
this competitive world. They work!
God himself declares, " ' P rove Me
now in this,' says the Lord of hosts,
will not open for you the win–
dows of heaven and pour out for you
such blessing that there will not be
room enough to receive it ' " (Mal.
3:10, RAV). T hese are not lightly
made statements-they are authori–
tative promises that God fu lfills to
those who seek to obey him.
God is not against people making
profits, as long as they' re
profits. God wants you to "prosper
in all things"
( 111
We announce a way that benefits
both yourself and your neighbor.
you tru ly seek understanding,
both of the background to the con–
temporary fiscal crisis and why
manki nd fails to lift this world
from devastating war, poverty and
other ills, we have two free booklets
to offer you.
l f you ' re interested, and you
should be, wr ite for your free
copies of
Never Before Under–
stood- Why H umanity Cannot
Solve l ts Evils
You r Personal Finances.
eye-opening booklets carry no fur–
ther obligation-they are presented
free in the public interest.
God 's ways are simple, yet pro–
fou nd. May God help t he people in
this world to understand and apply
them! o