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Understand the
news of
tomorrow's world is
good news!
This news is reported, before it happens, in
the Bible.
entire third of all the Bible is
devoted to foretelling world events. Why
doesn't the world know about it? .
The main course of history, up to now, was
written befare it occurred. What has happened to
Egypt, Italy, Greece, ancient Babylon, Persia,
modern Britain, America, Russia, was all written
2,000 or more years ago.
What is now going to happen to the leading
nations of the world in the next five to 20 years is
also wrilten in this same awe-inspiring Book- and is
just as
to happen. The Bible contains history,
prophecy, wisdom, spiritual knowledge and truth. [f
you want the most necessary, basic knowledge of all
life- the very
foundation o[
all right
knowledge-where would you go? No book ever
written, except the Holy Bible, reveals this
of all knowledge.
explains what we
are, whether we were put here on earth for a
purpose and what that purpose is.
Would a Creator-with the supreme intelligence
and wisdom and !ove to have thought out, planned,
designed, and brought about, all creation- have left
his created beings in ignorance of his purpose?
The Bible is God's divine revelation of basic
needed knowledge that mankind is not capable
otherwise of finding out. lt is the starting point.
November / December 1983
No tools or .instruments of science can tell you
whether you have a soul, whether you
a soul,
whether there is life after death, what the purpose is
for being alive, where you are going, or the way to a
happy, abundant life and universal peace.
Our scientists-our world leaders and
statesmen-have failed utterly to tell us these
answers or to lead us into the universally desired
peace and happiness.
But God Almighty did not hide from human minds
the all-important answers. He made them accessible to
mankind. He committed this treasure house of basic
knowledge to writing. He revealed the
way to peace
and everything the human heart desires.
The great statesmen and politicians of the world
have not known the way to peace. Yet God makes
this knowledge accessible to all who will listen. You
can find tbe way to peace in tbe Bible.
is the way
the world rejects.
But why do so few understand the Bible? Why do
all the different church denominations disagree as to
what it says?
We find the answer in
Timothy 3:16-17: "All
scripture is given by inspiration of God.... "
. scripture is inspired by the Eternal God-not just those
few verses or parts of sentences you wisb to apply to
suit your desires. AH of the Bible " is
doctrine, for reproof, for
for instruction in
righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect,
throughly furnished unto all good works."
The Scriptures are profitable for the purpose of
reproving and correcting us. But we resent being
· reproved and corrected. How many people do you
know who are even
to be corrected wbere
they are in error-to be reproved for the wrong
things they do?
People do not like to be reproved and corrected.
They !ove praise and flattery. But reproof and
correction they surely bate.
That's why it is so hard for so many people to
understand the Bible and to agree on just what it
says. The Bible is God's great spiritual mirror. [t
shows up every flaw in our thinking and reveals
every spot on our characters. It pictu res us as we
really are-as God sees us, not as we like to think
we are or to have other rnen look upon us.
"For the word of God," we read in Hebrews 4: 12,