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Poland preserve religious traditions
so wholeheartedly, and that a lead–
er-John Paul Jl-spring forth on
the world stage from within such a
climate to spread traditional Chris–
tian ideals continent-wide.
In this light, the noted Soviet
aut hor Alexander Solz henitsyn ,
exiled to thc West in 1974, has
continued to rail against godless
atheism in the East and an "eroded
humanism" in the Western world,
which he says leads to the " total
emancipation from the moral heri–
tage of Christian centuries." The
Russian philosopher adds that "our
spiritual life ... is trampled by the
party mob in the East, by the com–
merci al one in the West. "
The Pope says virtually the same
thing. He has made it clear that he
regards the acquisitive, commer–
cialized capitalism of the West as
scarcely preferable to the dialecti–
cal atheistic materialism of the
as t.
As a result, he is now stepping
boldly into a moral vacuum in the
world. A poli t ical vacuum, howev–
er, does not yet exist in Eu rope,
which is still divided between the
Soviet and U .S. spheres of
influence. But it will come, and will
be filled by the polít ica! authority
of the prophesied church -state
With its deal in Poland the
Vatican is setting t he stage for
ope n ing a política) breach in
Eu rope between East and West.
In the fut u re, it might help engi–
neer a far bigger event- this t ime
not with Warsaw, but with Mos–
cow, for the liberat ion of Eastern
To give its approval, Moscow
would in turn likely demand the
neutralization of Western Eu rope,
forcing it to cut its ties to the
United States.
Under such an arrangement ,
West Germany would be able to
reunite with East Germany, since
the latter would be geographically
cut off from Moscow anyway if
Poland were cut free.
A reunited Germany would be
the política! dynamo of a new
Europe, a role the Poles, or others
in the East, cannot play.
Truly awesome forces have been
set in motion by the Pope's second
visit to his Polish homeland.
ur problems are many . .. divorce rates
spiral . . . children are increasingly defiant . . . criminals
too often run free while the average person worries about
how to defend himself. People are under stress. Where will it
all end? Can it only get worse?
Long ago, man was given a workable solution to these
mounting global problems. The plan was called " The Ten
Commandments" -intended for man 's own happiness and
benefit. And they work beautifully when
applied. Recapture these universal laws
of peace and harmony in your life.
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The Ten
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