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bution of property resulting from
inflation. A cynical 'each man for
himself' becomes the rule of
life.... The great mass of those who
put their trust in the traditional
arder, the innocent and unworldy, all
those who do productive and useful
work, don't know how to manipulate
money, the elderly who hoped to live
on what they earned in the past- all
these are doomed to suffer. An expe–
rience of this kind poisons the morale
of a nation.... lnflation is a tragedy
which makes a whole people cynical,
hard-hearted and indifferent."
We can now understand the con–
nection that God makes between
economics, hardheartedness and sex–
ual sin. While we have no direct
indication from the Bible that an–
cient Sodom and Gomorrah were
clipping off pieces of coins (the ear–
liest method of inflation we know of),
the attitude of ancient Sodom and
Gomorrah seems almost identical to
that just described:
" Behold this was the iniquity of
thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of
bread, abundance of idleness was in
her and in her daughters, neither did
she strengthen the hand of the poor
and needy. And they were haughty,
and committed abomination befare
me: therefore 1 took them away as 1
saw good" (Ezekiel 16:49-50) .
A Political Debauch
John Maynard Keynes, also knew
that if a government debauches its
currency, it will also debauch socie–
ty. "Lenin is said to have declared
that the best way to destroy the
capitalist system was to debauch
the currency.... Lenin was certain–
ly right. There is no subtler, no
surer means of overturning the
existing basis of society than to
debauch the currency."
Yet clearly nothing else can be
expected when human government
sets a wrong example by dishonestly
devaluing the money of its own citi–
The very basis of society-particu–
larly a free society-is thus over–
turned. Hans Sennholz points out
that inflation "breeds economic and
political radicalism among its count–
less victims. It destroys the savings of
the middle classes and reduces the
real earnings of wage earners who
learn to distrust the price system.
Realizing the inequity of distribu–
tion, most victims put their faith in
strike action or government interven–
Thus inflation- a product of the
interference of human government
with the economy in the first place–
breeds even more interference; more
bureaucracy, more regulation, ra–
tioning, price controls with their
inevitable black markets and short–
Joseph Schumpeter, a Czechoslo–
vakian who became one of the most
profound economists of this century,
warned that inflation would lead toa
stifling world of totalitarian econom–
ic policies. " ... Perennial inflationa–
ry pressure can play an important
part in the eventual conquest of the
private-enterprise system by the bu–
reaucracy." In flation makes what
was once a prívate matter the prov–
ince of an overweaning human gov–
lnflation is at this moment produc–
ing a callous, terrifying world of
hardheartedness, poverty and moral
degeneracy. Because of covetousness
on the part of human government,
inflation makes this present evil
world bleaker, less free, more regi–
It hastens the coming of the time
when government controls over eco–
nomic life will become so stifling that
"no man might buy or sell" without
the express permission of a directly
totalitarian fascist state (Revelation
13:17), inspired, as Bible prophecy
shows, by Satan himself (Chapter
16:13- 14).
But Bible prophecy, which warns
that inflation will be a curse extant
before and during the crisis at the
close of the present evil world (Hag–
gai 1:6), also proclaims that a
will prevail. A society that is
being torn apart will not have to .
endure its agony forever.
Inflation has a political cause and
it will have a political solution. But
the solution will not come from
politics. And it will be "polit–
ical" only in the sense of having todo
with government. Inflation will be
cured not by human governments but
God's Government,
which will
enforce peace among all nations
(Isaiah 2:2). It will be brought to this
earth by the Second Coming of Jesus
(Continued on page 37)
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