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Robert A. Ginskey
amed British biologist J.S.B.
Hildane was once asked what
organic evolution had revealed
about God's creation. "An inordinate
fondness for beetles," was his re–
ported reply.
There are, indeed, a multitude of
amazing and exotic beetles on earth.
What specific beetles Hildane had in
mind is difficult to say,
but the bombardier beetle
is an excellent candidate
for a very special fond–
ness on the part of the
Bombardier beetles,
commonly found near
ponds and under rocks,
are easily recognized by
their orange and blue col–
oration, and they exhibit
• absolutely unique de–
fensive capability pos–
sessed by no other crea–
ture. When threatened or
attacked, they eject a
rioxious and potent spray
from a special "reaction chamber"
tles can aim their vi le spray with
located at the tip of their abdomen.
uncanny accuracy by swiveling the
Not only is the well-aimed spray
gun-barrellike openings of these sacs
strongly offensive and irritating, it is
(see photos). Small predators such as
also literally hot-as hot, in fact, as
ants, spiders, frogs or praying man-
boiling water.
tids are effectively repulsed by the
Scientists have found that the
bombardiers have two sacs that líe
side by side in the abdomen. The bee-
is the spray actually pro–
German investigators have
found that the special
glands contain a mixture
of hydroquinones and hy–
drogen peroxide. A small–
er outer compartment on
each gland contains a
mixture of enzymes that
catalyze a reaction when
the mixture of the inner
chamber is squeezed into
the outer one.
The reaction occurs as
a small but brisant explo–
sion, with oxygen and
highly poisonous benzo–
quinones being produced.
The oxygen gas provides
the propellant for the ex-