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joy produce a peaceful atmosphere.
And when children from those
homes grow up to become parents
themselves, those same joys and
happinesses will usually be present
in their homes.
Qua lif icati on s for Parenting
What kind of qualifications are
necessary to become a parent?
you wanted to become an air–
line pilot, you would have to log
hundreds, even thousands of hours
in a small plane and in flight simu–
lators before taking the responsibil–
ity of piloting a huge jet liner.
A brain surgeon must devote
years of life to study and as an
assistant before being placed in
charge of the operating room.
Carpenters, secretaries, electri–
cians, teachers, shipbuilders and
tradesmen of all kinds must be
qualified to work in their fields.
But what are the qualifications
of a parent? What kind of skills are
required for the most important
respons ibility anyone can ever
take- to become a mo th e r o r
father? What kind of schooling is
mandatory for having a baby? And
what certificate is issued to demon–
strate proficiency in parenting?
To become a parent all you have
to do is reach the age of puberty.
That's it.
l'm surc we will all admit such a
person is by no means
become a parent in his or her early
teens. But it is biologically possible.
The question, then, is, when is one
qualified to become a PROPER par–
Obtai ning an education, gaining
skills for a profession, growi ng in
maturity to face the responsi bilities
that accompany parenthood ought
to be required. Bu t who can
enforce the requirements? There
are no legislative o r judicial bodies
to make laws and enforce them.
So young people grow up in
whatever environment their own
pa re n ts have created for them.
They learn by example what par–
enting is all about. And the result is
the society in which you live.
The Biblical E xamples
From the pages of the Bible we
learn it was much the same in the
society of ancient .Israel. 1n that
nat ion there was a priest who
October 1983
served well in God's service. His
narne was Eli .
But Eli was not effective in child
rearing. Of his children, God says,
"Now the sons of Eli were sons of
Belial; they knew not the Lord"
(1 Sam. 2: 12) .
l t was a responsibility of the
priests to offer sacrifices for the
people. The sons of Eli abused the
sacr ificial ceremony. " Wherefore
the sin of the young meo was very
great befare the Lord: for meo
abhorred the offering of the Lord"
(verse 17).
Surely, you would think Samuel
would have learned the lesson from
Eli how to become a proper father
and rear respectful children. But
alas, the sad story was repeated .
Samuel married and had a farni–
ly. It was normal for him to desire
his sons to follow in his steps as
priests and judges in Israel.
The story is told in I Samuel 8:
"And it carne to pass, when Samuel
was old, that he made his sons judges
over Israel. Now the name of the first–
born was Joel; and the name of the
second, Abiah: they were judges in
Beer-sheba" (verses l-2).
But as Eli befare him,
Samuel did not influence
and teach them by his
good example. The result?
"And his sons walked
not in his ways, but
turned aside after lucre
[money], and took bribes,
and perverted judgment"
(verse 3).
The reputation of the
sons of Samuel was so bad
in the community that the
people demanded a
c ha ngc in governme nt.
What a tragedy!
Let these examples
serve you well if you are
parents or plan to be par–
What ls That Gift?
Parents who take the time
to rear children properly will
receive no greater
thrills, joys and rewards
What is then the nearest
thing to the m agic
formula of child reari ng?
Be prepared. The an-
swer may surprise you. l
promise it will not cost
any money. And it will
not be complicated.
in this life.
In addition, the sons of Eli were
sexually immoral. They brought
great disrespect upon their father
and the way of God.
was a shame
these young meo could not continue
in the footsteps of their father as
they should have.
But Eli made the tragic mistake
so many parents do. He did not
properly rear his children and train
them. He was too busy-even in the
service of God. The rcsults were
God then selected Samuel to fol–
low Eli in priestly service.
The most important gift
you will ever give your
child is- YOUR TIME! l f you can' t
take the time to be a parent, don't
become one.
Parents who take the t ime to rear
children properly will receive no
greater thrills, joys and rewards in
this life. Bu t, if they don't apply the
right principies and don' t take the
proper time, there are no greater sor–
rows and disappointments than
improperly reared children.
If you are a parent, you are a con–
stant living example to your cbil–
dren. They are learning every min–
ute of every day how to be and how