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a re spiritua l matters. Problems
between individuals are caused by
wrong spiritual attitudes of mind on
the part of one or both individuals.
There are, in addition, numerous
poor health conditions or bad per–
sonal living habits that can increase
our sensitivity to irritation or lower
our ability to cope with stress and
The Creator has set dynamic
physical and spiritual laws in
we violate these Jaws- if
we are in poor health, under pro–
longed stress, failing to get suffi–
c ient sleep, eating a bad diet or are
abusi ng drugs (including a lco–
hol)- we will eventually suffer
adverse effects on our attitudes and
But even if we are in good health ,
when we allow wrong spiritual atti–
tudes sucb as bate, fear, lust, bitter–
ness or unforgiveness to take root in
our minds, we will suffer mental
and emotional penalties.
Many fail to understand that
what is involved is more than just
humans naturally allowing their
minds to think in negative or hosti le
The apostle Paul explained to
Ephesian Christians why they,
before conversion, were blinded to
God's spiritual law and lived in
was because they "walked
according to the course of this
world, accord ing to the prince of
of the air, the
we constantly
yield to
attitudes, moods
or desires
they become
habits of mind
and emotion.
[Satan] who now works in the
sons of disobedience" (Eph.
RAV) .
All of us have allowed various
degrees of Satan's attitudes into
our minds. Satan bombards the
earth's atmosphere, literally broad-
casts his harmful alti–
t udes of jealousy,
pr ide, resentment o f
authority, lawlessness,
bitterness and hate into
vulnerab l e
h uman
We have also been
inHuenced by humans
and cultures permeated
with these altitudes. lf
we constantly yield to
d amaging att itudes,
moods or desires they
become vicious habits
of mind and emotion.
What are these dam–
aging emotions, att i–
tudes and characteris–
tics? And what, by
contrast, are the char–
acteristics of a great
mi nd - as God, not
man or human cul–
tures, looks at it?
Learning to
properly control
and express
worship of our
Great Creator who
gives us every good
thing, every good
law and every won–
derful purpose that
we can experience
or hope in . And
then t rue !ove is
respect an d con–
cern for the well–
being and develop–
ment of other
created in the
image of God,
each having great
human and spiritu–
al potential.
J ov: This is
g reat happiness of
mind in apprecia–
tion of God's plan,
not only for us, but
for all mankind.
is joy for the great
riches of God 's
our emotions saves us
an enormous
amount of wear
and tear
Both a r e clearly
identified in the Bible.
on our ... health
and energy.
Splritual Attltudes Contrastad
Here is the great contrast!
"Now the works of the Hesh [the
natural human mind yielding to
wrong pulls] are evident, which
are: adultery, fornication, unclean–
ness [physical and moral], licen–
tiousness [being without law], idol–
atry, sorcery, hatred, contentions,
jealousies, outbursts of wrath, self–
ish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,
envy, murders.... "
But diametrically
opposite, "the fru it of
[God's] Spirit is !ove,
joy, peace, longsuffer–
ing, kindness, good–
ness, faith fulness, gen–
tleness, self-control.
Against such there is
no law" (Gal.
RAV). These are the
spiritual altitudes we
need to develop prop–
erly our minds a nd
emotions. They are the
marks of a great
The Great Qualltles
Note again these great qualities
and their basic meaning:
LovE: The Scriptures reveal true
!ove has a two- fold a pplication.
First it is deep respect, honor and
merey and forgive–
ness of our sins as we repent. True
joy recognizes and appreciates
every good thing, physical and spi r–
itual, that God gives us. Moreover,
joy results from knowing God will
work out all our problems, no mat–
ter how difficult at the moment, for
our eterna! good if we remain
faithful to him.
is knowing for
certainty, if we endure in obedience
to God, that beyond all present
problems, even loss of our life, an
eterna! kingdom of happiness, love,
peace and power in constructive
service to God and others awaits.
P EACE: This is peace with God,
with fellowman, with ourselves. We
know our sins are forgiven. We're
not plagued with guil t.
we're not thinking or desiring to sin
or hurt others, including those who
seek to hurt or harm us.
sometimes called patience in Scrip–
ture. This is a will ingness to quietly
endure or suffer discomfort or pain
caused by others' mistakes or our
own. But it is not fatalism. l t is
knowing that one builds great char–
acter by doing what is right to
a difficult situation despite
temptations to do otherwise.
KINDNESS: This is Jooking for a
way of being constructive to others
in all of our social relationships.