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Office-if possible. Try to get in to
see those who do the hiring. Leave
a neatly prepared summary of your
qualifications, experience, educa–
tion and personal information with
each manager.
l f you live in the Uni ted States
or Canada, you can determine who
the managers are by going to your
library and asking the reference
librarían for listings such as
Poor 's
Register of Corporations, Direc–
tors and Executives
or sorne other
such list of who runs what firm.
you live in other lands, ask for
equivalent Iists. Or call the compa–
ny directly and ask, "Who is the
manager of this firm?"
By being your own employment
agency, you will more quickly be
employed in one of those 4 out of 5
vacancies that traditionally are
usually only known by employers
and who
them by word of
• Accept the possibility that you
may have more than one career in
your lifetime. Employment studies
indicate that in the future, one may
have as many as three or four
careers in a lifetime. Make the
most of your time by reading about
those fields that are up and coming.
Where are tbey located?
able, seek to get into job training
programs in those fields. Be pre–
pared to relocate if absolutely nec–
• Take advantage of government
job training programs and semi –
nars. Look upon your situation as a
time for self-assessment and educa–
tion in new skills.
• Above all, do not
underestimate the
power of prayer. Many
look upon Godas a last
resort. When all else
has failed and there
is nowhere else to
turn, we seek the
help of the one
whom we should
have turned to
first. Be persis–
tent. God knows
you r needs befare
you ask. Bu t you
must ask (Matt. 6:8,
Jas. 4:2). T hen step
out in faith and with
knowledge into the
new job opening.
(Continued from page 26)
capital of the revived Roman
Empire, and eventually its religious
headquarters, at Jerusalem! Zecha–
riah 14:2 says the city shall be tak–
en! " Yet he shall come to his end,
and none shall help him"! This lan–
guage signifies the e nd of the
"beast" and the "false prophet" at
the hand of God! You will find tbis
end described in Revelation 19:19-
20 and Zechariah 14:12.
And now what is the time of this
end, at the clase of this marvelous
prophecy? The next verse, Daniel
(Continued from page
alcoholism, c hild pornography, un–
employment and the disenchant–
ment that characterizes life in most
of the so-called civilized world.
A longtime resident of the state
toJd me, "Since the oil carne and
we became prosperous, our life–
style has changed for the worse.
Why can't we have it both ways–
prosperity and peace?"
Because man does not
to bave peace, tbat's why.
T he apost le Paul told us that
2,000 years ago and nothing that
has happened since has proved him
The Alaskan pipeline has shown
once again that when man puts his
mind to it he seems to be able to
conquer any physical obstacle. That
is why God puta brake on progress
at the building of the tower of
Babel by confusing man 's ability to
communrcate easily. Otherwi se,
God sai d , "Noth ing will be
restrained from them, which they
have imagined to do" (Gen. 11 :6).
Now, 4,000 years later, man once
again is doing anything he imagines
to do. But the increase in knowl–
edge brings us no closer to peace.
Instead, we use what we learn to
bring our world ever closer to ulti–
mate disaiter.
we could only understand that
the energy man needs to salve bis
problems does not lie beneath the
Arctic ice--or anywhere else on
earth. And, likewise, that in a rder
to save endangered species it is not
to halt progress. God told
not only to replenish the earth,
12: 1, says at the time of the resur–
rect ion of the just-at the Second
Coming of J esus Christ!
This prophecy begins with the
kingdoms of Syria and Egypt, soon
after the death of Alexander the
Great- 2,300 years ago. But it
ends at the time of the resurrection
and the Second Coming of Christ
to bring peace at last to the
region-and to the entire world!
is so plain, there can be no doubt of
its right application!
Are you ready for that event?
is fast approaching. Now is the
time to get ready, for J esus said,
" Be ye also ready"!
but also to "subdue it" (Gen. 1:28).
The Creator would have taught us
how to do that without wrecking
the creation . He would have given
us the spiritual insight we need for
our well-being. But man thought he
knew better-and chose to try to dis–
cover those things for himself apart
from God. (A free booklet,
Before Understood-Why Humani–
ty Cannot Solve lts Evils,
this subject in detail. Write for it to
the office in your area.)
And so the search goes on . We
probe the uttermost parts of the
earth, desperately hoping to replen–
ish our energy befare tbe available
stocks run out. And wherever we
go we take ou r way of life–
fighting, bickering, vanity, greed,
sel f-righteousness--our inability to
get along with each other. And that
is by far the greatest threat to the
well-being of the caribou, tbe arctic
fox, the peregrine falcon, the short–
tailed albatross and
every other
ing creature!
In spite of (and because of) his
inventive genius, mankind is about
to produce a catastrophe that could
As J esus said,
" Unless those days be shortened,
there should
flesh be saved"–
man or beast. Because human
beings cannot find a way to peace
must now be considered an
"endangered species"! Thank God
these days will be sbor tened.
Our greatest need today is not
more oil--or less development. We
need a better way of life. That will
only come witb the restoration of
tbe government of God. Even
here-at the top of the world.
- John Ha/lord