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the vision carries on down to this
present time of the end .
Verse 36- The king of the
north-who is he, now, in the early
and middle New Testament times,
to which our prophecy has come?
In 65 B.C., Syria was swallowed up
by the Roman Empire, and became
a Roman province. The Roman
emperor now controlled Judea, and
therefore the king of the north,
here referred to, is, at this time, the
emperor of the Roman Empire.
This verse says he should d o
according to his will, and he did–
exalt himself, and magnify himself
above every god, and he did; for the
Roman emperors required al! to
worship them a nd sacri fice to
them, as a god. He was as a god. He
was to speak against the true God,
and he did and persecuted all
Verse 37- his fathers had wor–
shiped idols, but the Roman emper–
ors set themselves up as gods.
Verse 38- the Roman emperors
honored the god of forces, or (mar–
gin) munitions, and developed the
greatest war-maki ng power the
world ever knew. "And a god
whom his fathers knew not shall he
honour with gold, and silver, and
with precious stones, and pleasant
things." After setting themselves
up as gods, befare A.D. 476, the
emperors who followed, beginning
with Justínian, A.D. 554, began to
honor wíth gold, silver and power a
god in a high religious office never
known to their fat hers. (Compare
this prophecy of Daniel with Reve–
lation 17:4, 5, and 18:3, 16.)
Verse 39- the emperors did
acknowledge the supremacy of reli–
gion, increased it with material glo–
ry and caused it to rule over
Prophecy Skips to Present
Now we come to the very present
Verse 40-"And at the time of
the end shall the king of the south
push at him.... " Who is today the
"king of the south"?
cannot be the king of Egypt,
for in 3 1 B.C. Egypt became a
province of the Roman Empire,
swal lowed up by the king of the
north. Today Egypt is a republic
ruled by native Arabs.
has no
king of its own.
But, in the reign of Ptolemy
Euergetes (verse 7), 247-222 B.C.,
Egypt annexed part of Ethiopia,
immediately south of Egypt ( Raw–
linson, pp. 272, 273). Since that
time, tbe 11th edition of the
clopaedia Brirannica
says (article
"Ethiopia") Egypt and Ethiopia
were two or three times under the
same government. Thus, the two
were as one land. And the only por–
tian of that land of the "king of the
south" tbat remained independent
until the 20th century is Ethiopia!
Ethiopia, the King of the South
Ethiopia was the only country in all
East Africa that continucd inde–
pendent, and bada government and
kingdom dating back befare the
Roman Empire.
was the south–
ern part of the kingdom of the
south. So it is the only possible gov–
ernment that could be the king of
the south .
At the time of the end- our
time-this king of the south was to
push at the king of the north, now
at Rome!
In 1895 King Menelik, of Ethio–
pia, sent an army of 9,000 to
10,000 men against General Bara–
tieri's ltalian army.
North of Ethiopia was Eritrea,
belonging to Italy. And southeast
was Italian Somaliland.
In 1896 General Baratieri with
13,000 men tried to defend Eritrea
against the Ethiopians. They lost
4,600 whites a nd 3,000 nat ive
troops, and more than 3,500 were
taken prisoner.
In a 1ater engagement the ltal–
ians were cut to pieces because of
their inexperience in fighting in
mountainous country and because
they were greatly outnumbered.
This defeat was disastrous to ltal–
ian expansion in Africa.
Ever since, Italy demanded
In 1927 Mussolini set the
time, at just 40 years from that
defeat, or 1935, when he would be
ready "finally to make our voice
heard, and see our rights recog–
1935 carne. The bour struck!
Mussolini attacked! Now notice
verse 40: " ... and the king of the
north shall come against him like a
whirlwind, with cbariots, and with
horsemen, and with many ships;
and he sball enter into the coun-
tries, and shall overflow and pass
A whirlwind comes in the air,
sweepi ng all befare it. Mussolini
did send a great air force into Afri–
ca! Also many modero "char–
iots"- trucks, tanks, etc.- and
ships, loaded with soldiers. More
than 100,000 sailed to Ethiopia.
And, notice it, Mussolini's forces
were to pass over-in the air!
at this precise point in this astound–
ing prophecy that Mussolini's
st ruggle in Ethiopia and in World
ended. Mussolini did not
finish the prophecy. Tbere is yet
another 1eader to arise in Europe!
Notice what will next happen!
Verse 4 1- " He shall enter also
into the g lorious land ... "-the
Holy Land. This is yet to be ful–
When the coming reviva! of the
Roman Empire takes the Holy
Land, then the nations will be
plunged into the initial pbase of the
g reat, last and final crisis at the
close of this age! Other prophecies
reveal that this reviva! of the
Roman Empire will bring into sub–
jection the U.S. and Britain! (Re–
quest our free book
The United
States and Britain in Prophecy.)
"And," continues verse 41,
"many countries sball be over–
thrown: but these shall escape out
of his hand, even Edom, and Moab,
and the chief of the children of
Ammon"- the modern land of the
Hashemite Kingdom of Jorda n.
The coming dictator will unite
many others with him-1
in all
(Rcv. 17:12)- reviving the ancient
Roman Empire.
Verse 42 says Egypt shall not
escape, proving Egypt is not now
the " king of the south."
Verse 43 says the Libyans and
Ethiopians (observe that after its
conquest by Mussolini, Ethiopia is
not again refer red to as the king of
the south) shall be at bis steps–
and he will then control them. Italy
lost control of Libya and Ethiopia
aftcr the war.
Verse 44-but news out of the
east and out of the north- Russia
and the Orient-sball trouble the
revived Roman Empire. Russia will
enter the war!
Verse 45-the coming Roman
Empire shall establish its palace, as
(Continued on page 30)