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Herbert W. Armstrong
The astounding background to the crisis in the Middle
East- and how it will be resolved!
seethi ng with crisis
after crisis. Few people
realize t he true significance
of this turmoil. They seem to
have no conception of the
danger it threatens- even–
tual danger to the whole
lt's time we woke up to the
facts! lt's time we knew what
prophecy reveals. l t 's time we
knew the background- the vital
factors that have led up to this
world danger- the significance
of this series of crises!
There is only one way to know
the answer. The God who made the
wor ld- who makes and unmakes
nations- he reveals the future
before it happens so we can know
and take warning!
The time has now cometo reveal
a most amazing prophecy!
Unveiling t he Futura!
What is the real significance of this
seething unres t? To unders tand it,
we must study a ma rvelous proph-
ecy, never before understood- a
prophecy that has been closed and
sealed until now-a prophecy that
foretold, 2,500 years ago, this very
ser ies of crises and the war that
shall finally draw in all the nations
of the world!
is one of the most amaz ing
prophecies in the Bible.
is mos t
specific, describing historical
events, up to the present, in more
detail than any other prophecy.
the longest prophecy in the Bible.
is found in Daniel, chapter 1l.
describes the impending war!
The prelude is found in the 1Oth
chapter of the book of Daniel. The
prophecy carne to Daniel in the
third year of the reign of Cyrus,
king of the Persian Empire (Dan.
10:1). A "man," apparently the
archangel Gabriel (Dan. 9:21 ) ,
appears before Daniel, to make him
understand what shall befall God's
people in these present " latter
days" (10: 14).
The " King o f the No r th" and the
" K i ng of the South"
The first verse of the
tb chapter
is a continuation from the
last verse of the l Oth
chapter. The angel says to
Daniel, "Behold, there
shall stand up yet three
kings in Persia; and the
fourth shall be far richer
than they all: and by his
strength through his
riches he shall stir up all
against the realm of Gre–
cia. And a mighty king
shall stand up, that shall
rule with great dominion ,
and do according to his
will" ( Dan. 11 :2-3).
Actually there were 12