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of life plunged t he people into
increasingly distorted, debased hu–
man character. God saw tbeir char–
acter. He saw their progeny becom–
ing completely perverted. He had
to intervene. If they bad gone on, it
would have been
could ever achieve God's great pur–
pose for them in a future resur–
rection. So God, in his merey,
intervened with a catastrophic pun–
ishment and cut off their lives.
A Lost Generation?
Were the Sodomites' lives worth–
less? Did they live in vain? Is there
any more help from God for the
Sodomites? Is there any hope for
any who are caught in similar sins
The heartening answer is, Yes!
But it is a matter of understand–
ing God's plan for man!
The Sodomites, like the vast
majority of mankind who bave ever
lived, were allowed by God to be
blinded to the Creator's laws and
great purpose for human life. The
Sodomites were cut off from con–
tact with God by their sins (Isa.
59:1-2). God allowed them (as he
has most of mankind) to reap the
consequences of their own way
under Satan's sway of selfishness,
lust and self-aggrandizement.
Sin- the breaking of God's law
(I John 3:4)-damages, arrests,
limits or prevents full human
maturity and godly development. It
damages the proper development of
values, outlook and goals in life.
Sin, and sexual sin in particular,
distorts wholesome feelings to one's
own and the opposite sex. Jt subtly
destroys health and minds.
to destroy respect and appreciation
of the God-ordained family unit.
undermines the proper example
and teaching adults should be giv–
ing to children.
But these evils will all be cor–
God loves human beings. He rec–
ognizes their potential as members
of the God Family despite their sins.
He is "not willing that any should ·
perish [eternally], but that all should
come to repentance" (II Pet. 3:9).
God's great master plan for humani–
ty means all who sinned and died in
ignorance wi ll have their opportuni–
ty to repent and change the way they
think and act.
This is the good news! Even the
Sodomites will have their opportu–
nity for salvation in a future day of
resurrection and judgment. And
they are going to listen. Jesus
Christ spoke of this period of time.
Verbally cbastising a city in .his
time for having rejected God ' s
message, he said,
" .. . For if the mighty works
lone in you had been done in
Sodom, it would have continued
until today. But I tell you, it shall
'-te more endurable for the land of
Sodom on the day of judgment
than for you" (.Matt. 11:23-24, The
Amplified Bible).
The Sodomites will be shown
more merey because they sinned in
ignorance. Whereas many in the
time of Jesus professed to know
God 's laws but did not keep them.
The people of Sodom will come
to understand why they sinned as
they did. And they will receive
from God the gift of the Holy Spir–
it to overcome their sins.
Yes, the Sodomites will live
again-to be resur rected into a
world where Satan will not be
allowed to tempt them and where
sinful cultures will not exist to Jure
them back into sin at every corner.
They will live in a yet future era
when God's Spiri t will be made free–
y available to all who want to over–
come their sins and go God's way.
This future time of salvation for
most of humanity who have Jived
and died is little understood. But
you can understand.
This astounding good news is
contained in our free booklet
Pagan Holidays- or God's Holy
Days- Which?
and in the reprint
article "Is This the Only Day of
Coming-Fantastic Era of
Look at what the Sodomites will
yet learn in their day of salvation!
They will learn that God is the
author of sex, that he established
right and wholesome marital and
sexual relationships and laws. They
will learn how these laws and ways
promete optimum human and spir–
itual development. They will learn
that a proper marriage is a God–
plane relationship.
They will understand why God
gave laws prohibiting prostitution,
fornication (or whoredom or
harlotry), adultery, homosexuality,
rape, incest, transvestism, bestiality
and other sexual uncleanness.
They will understand why God
put humans on the earth. H uman
experience is a testing ground and
ultimate opportun ity to develop
godlike character.
Finally they wi 11 appreciate
God's ult imate merey to them.
They will learn why God is so con–
cerned about the direction of all
human sexual and social develop–
An Example for Today
The societies of Sodom and
Gomorrah did not start out as
immorally as they ended. They
became that way through the
increasing acceptance of values and
altitudes that did not discriminate
between good and evil. lt is not
exaggerating to say that many cit–
ies today are well on the way to
becoming new Sodoms and Gomor–
The fate of Sodom and Gomor–
rah should be a warning to all . Tbe
events that shattered those cities
more than 3,850 years ago, Scrip–
ture warns us, are "set forth for an
example, suffering the vengeance
of eterna} fire" (Jude 7) .
Said the apostle Peter, "And [God,
turning] Sodom and Gomorrha into
ashes condemned them with an over–
throw, mak:ing them an ensample
[example] unto those that after
should live
(II Pet. 2:6).
is time this generation awoke
to the curses that have been
brought on society by a misguided
sexual revolution that promised
freedom but has produced a . new
form of slavery.
Past issues of the
Plain Truth
magazine have kept our readers up
to date on a wide variety of new or
growing sexually transmissible dis–
eases. An article entitled "How to
Avoid the New Sexual Diseases"
contains a chart with the top 20
sexually transmissible diseases and
their complications.
is available
upon request.
You may also wr ite for our free
booklet entitled
The Silent Epi–
contains historical infor–
mation, charts and graphs and modes
of transmission of various sexually
transmissible diseases. o