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Is There aCure?
Donald D. Schroeder
No one can afford to ignore the awful social consequences of the sexual revolution!
has shaken
up and frightened the
ty like this one! No disease in
rnodern years has proveo so
elusive for rnedical sleuths.
Virtually overnight a lethal
fast-acting degenerative disease
has leaped into the medica! head–
lines. "AIDS" - Acquüed 1m–
mune Deficiency Syndrome- is
devastating America's homosex–
ual population and threatening to
spread by way of bisexuals into
heterosexu al society . Nearly
three quarters of AIDS cases are
occurring among homosexuals
and bisexuals.
AIOS annibilates tbe body's
immune system, leaving the victim
prey to a multi tude of infectious
agents. Although drugs may limit
such opportunistic infections, the
victims' severely weakened immun–
ity leaves them vulnerable to one
illness after another. Victims of
AIOS often die of Kaposi's sarco–
ma, a type of skin cancer.
Spread to lnnocent Victims
The disease is apparently spread
from victim to victim by way of
infected body ftuids. Intimate con–
tact with an infected source seems
The next largest group of AJOS
victims a re intravenous drug
addicts passing s bared needles
around. Children and mates of
these drug addicts and of bisexuals
are another vulnerable group.
H emophiliacs requiring transfu–
sions of bloodclotting agents are
September 1983
tragically another category. And
for reasons not fully understood, so
are Haitian immigrants of both
sexes. (Recent evidence indicates a
significant number of these H ai–
tians have had homosexual con–
So far, 95 percent of AJOS vic–
tims fall into one of these identifia–
ble risk categories. The remainder
is a smal l group of hetero–
sexuals who have picked
up the disease for reasons
aJso not yet understood.
A Plague
The terrors of tbe AIOS
epidemic is taking the
wind out of the flam–
boyant homosexual life–
style, similar to the way
herpes virus has deflated
the sexual revolution.
However, while herpes
infections are embarrass–
ing , frequently painful
and incurable (though
symptoms are treatable),
they are rarely ever fatal.
AIOS, however, nearly
a lways is fatal. Fewer
percent of AIOS
victims have survived
more than three years
after being diagnosed,
and no victim has recov–
ered fully.
tagious during the incubation stage,
of the thousands of victims who
feel perfectly bealthy today, each
could be infecting numerous others
through intimate or sexual con–
Sorne homosexuals are starting
to call the killer disease "the new
leprosy"; it makes victims outcasts
in their own circle and invokes fear
Sexual histories of in–
fected homosexuals reveal
an ominous pattern: The
incubation period for
AJOS ( the time between
New York
patient, 41 years
sarcoma lesions on neck and chest. He wears
religious pendant and bas undergone cbemotberapy.
infection and the onset of symp–
toms) varíes from a few months to
more than two years. If, like many
diseases, AJOS turns out to be con-
among medica! personnel who must
treat them.
What homosexuals have forgot–
ten is that God is the Creator of