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Maybe you have had a similar experience. If so, it's
time to try again. You might find, as 1 later did,
studying the Bible can be very rewarding.
entered Ambassador College. In the
academic program the Bible carne alive. It started to
make sense. 1
understand it. (1 even carne to
understand Genesis
and all those
hard-to-pronounce narnes. Through those narnes, the
history of important nations
be traced to their
founders. But the study of Genesis
can take hours,
so we won't go into detail about that here.)
The Bible became a fascinating book.
one third of the Bible is prophecy-not ancient, dead
history- but up-to-date vital information. Most Bible
prophecy has not yet happened. So when you read the
Bible, you are reading about events soon to
occur-probably in the lifetimes of most of you!
Flrat, You Have toRead lt
How can you read the Bible with understanding? How
can you experience the excitement and ·meaning for
today of ancient history and battles of long ago? How
can you understand the times in which you live and
· understand the meaning of world news in the light of
Bible prophecy?
You have toread the Bible.
you have not read the Bible through at all, or in
recent years, you might like to make a special project
of reading the enti re Bible during the next year.
You will then have an overview of what the Bible is
all about.
you would like to begin such a prograrn, you can
complete the Bible in one year by reading about
chapters each week. Tbat means reading between
three and four chapters each day.
No doubt there wi ll be days when you simply do
not find time toread. But it should not be hard to
catch up on the weekend or at another convenient
Never Jet yourself fall too far behind, though.
Catching up after a long delay will prove too hard for
many- there will be a temptation to quit. So stay with
As you read, there will no doubt be many questions
you will have. Make notes on those questions and look
for the answers as you continue to read.
Perhaps you will be encouraged to look up answers
by doing further research at the library. Discuss your
questions with other members of your family.
Feel free to write us at one of our offices-the
addresses are listed on the inside front cover of each
issue of
The Plain Truth.
We probably have a booklet
or reprint article we can send that wi ll answer many of
the most often asked questions our readers have.
But be prepared for a few surprises.
You are going to find the Bible says sorne things
you have not heard before. Things you thought were
in the Bible are not in there. For example, you will not
find the modern celebrations surrounding Easter,
Christmas, Valentine's Day or Halloween in the Bible.
You will find instead that the New Testament Church
continued to observe days God made holy rather than
modero holidays of pagan origin.
September 1983
You will find the Bible teUs you how to have a
happy marriage, good health, successful children and
how to have a clase personal relationship with the
Creator God.
The apostle Paul wrote Timothy about the Bible,
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness"
Ask for Understandlng
This brings us to another way to study the Bible.
While it is fine to read the Bible through, it is good to
have other methods of Bible study. Above all we
should want to understand the Bi.ble.
1 am reminded of the story of a young pastor, who
with his wife excitedly visited the members of his
congregation to become acquainted with tbem. One
elderly gentleman lived way out in tbe bill country
and didn't make it to the services frequently. So they
went out to visit him one day.
They drove up to his property and inquired if they
might visit. He eyed them up and down and said, "So
yer the new preacher, huh?"
"Yes, si r," the pastor replied.
"Kind of a young feller, ain't ya?" be asked. "How
many times you read the Bible through?"
"Well ... ta ... ta ... two or three times," he
stumbled. (Of course he had studied the Bible
hundreds of hours in bis academic experience, but had
not read it straight through many times.)
"Sonny," he said, " l 've read the Bible through from
lid to lid nigh unto
times. Now what do you think
you kin teach me?"
That elderly gentleman had read the Bible over and
over- but he didn't understand what it said . He didn't
understand that it is a book to
a person
Perhaps the most important key of all in Bible
reading and study is
When you set out
on your course to study the Bible, pray for guidance,
wisdom and understanding.
Have Your Own Blble
The first step is to have a suitable Bible to read and
study. This does not always mean having to purchase a
new Bible, but for many, a new Bible provides
inspiration to study.
If you plan to purchase a new Bible you will find a
host of choices at the bookstore. There are big Bibles,
pocket-sized Bibles, old translations, new translations,
leather bound, cloth bound, paper bound, inexpensive
editions, expensive editions. The choice is almost
But here are sorne helpful hints. Spend a little extra
to buy a quality binding.
pays off in the long run.
you can afford it, huyan edition with India paper,
leather binding and margins wide enough to make sorne
notes as you study. Also be certain the print is large
enough to be easily read. An edition with a center
reference column can be helpful if you wish to locate
scriptures on the same subject.
you would like to make notes, use a black-ink
ball-point pen (red and
(Continued on page 41)