tem of misguided education, must be ruled rigidly
t hey learn the positive fruits of living God's
2. Where will thc headquarters of this divine gov–
ernment be set up'? J er. 3:17.
COMMENT: Christ will rule tbe nations from Jerusa–
lem, the future world capital of the kingdom of God.
Once established, his rule will spread over the entire
Who will assist Christ in administering God's
government after his return? Dan. 7:18, 22; Rev. 5:1
COMMENT: Christ will place over nations and cities
those he has already trained to ru le under him. The
"saints"-Ch ri s t ians who have volu n tar ily come
under the government of God in his Church and
proved their loyalty to God during their mortal
lives-wíll assist Christ in governing the world after
they are boro
as spirit sons of God at Christ 's
return .
The coming government of God will not be a
democracy or any other kind of humanly devised
government. Time and money will not be wasted on
campaigning and elections. There will be no need to
cater to special organized groups or classes of people
to get votes. There will be no lobbyists or other
pressure groups trying to infl uence government poli–
Government will be from the top down , with Christ
reigning supreme and each divine ruler under him
serving in genuine love and concern for his subjects,
instead of acting according to selfish motives as is
often the case today.
4. How much power will each ruler exercise in his
own area? Rev. 2:26-27.
COMMENT: There will be aut hority to render judg–
ments on the spot in all parts of the world. Yet all
governmental pol icies will be based on the pattern
laid down from world headquarters by Christ him–
se1f. God's government will be perfectly organized ,
devoid of useless red tape and bureaucratíc excess
Reeducation to God' s Way
Will the nations finally rea lize how good God's
government is and begin to seek Christ, asking to be
in God's way of life? Micah .4:1-3.
COMMENT: In Bible prophecy, a " mountain" is often
used as a symbol of a major nation and "hills" as
symbols of smaller nations. Notice that people will
come to J erusalem seeking to be taught God's way of
Christ will not only be supreme king over all the
nat ions, he wíll also be
supreme educator!
He will
the world to God's way of life-the way of
God's law of love-so people may, of thei r own free
will , decide to follow his way that leads to peace,
economic prosperity and spiritual blessings.
2. Wi ll God punish t hose nations that refuse to be
reeducated to his way? Zech. 14:16- 17. And if they
sti ll refuse to obey? Verses 18- 19.
COMMENT: After rebellion against the government
of God is put down by divine power, Chr ist will begin
immed iately to reeducate people worldwide. They will
come to know he is Lord over all, and that he
possesses the way to both phys ical and spiritual bl css–
ings. Thosc who stubbornly refusc to learn will suffer
from drought and plagues until they submit to God's
Will God 's saints take a personal part in bring–
ing about complete understanding of God's law, and
in di recting people toward right action? Isa. 30:20-
COMMENT: With proper guidance from those who
teach God's way of life, violence and crime will be
s topped. People will finally learn how to live at peace
with one another.
How successfu l will God's reeducation program
be in teaching the knowledge of his way to the wor1d?
lsa. 11
J er. 3 1:34.
COMMENT: During the Millennium no religious con–
fusion wi ll exist, because Satan, who has deceived the
whole wor ld, will be imprisoned at Christ's coming,
awaiting final judgment (Rev. 20: 1-3). Humans will
then be teachable- their eyes will be opened to God's
revealed truth .
As a resul t of God's reeducation program, people
will begin to live God's way of love- the way of g iving
and outgoing concern for others- the way of true
values-the way of peace, of happiness, of well-being,
of joy and, ultimately, spiritual salvation!
In our next study we'll learn about condítions on
earth after the nations have been reeducated to God's
way of life. We' ll learn what tomorrow's world will be
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