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tians, the apostle Peter left no room
fo r compromi se on t hi s point:
"Neither is there salvat ion in any
other: for there is none other name
under heaven given among men,
whereby we must be saved" (Acts
4: 12).
In view of the central nature of
this point to Christiani ty, the strict
monotheism of Islam renders any
hope of eventua l conciliation
between the two fait hs impossible.
What, then, does the Bible say of
the future of Islam?
The New Testament of the Bible
was completed more than 500 years
before the birth of Mohammed .
Yet the Bible does not ignore the
futu re of Islam!
Bible prophecy reveals the com–
ing emergence of an Arab-Mos–
lem confederation in the Middle
is referred to in prophecy
as "the king of the south" (Dan.
11:40) . This confederation will
play a crucial role in end-time
At the prophesied return of
Jesus to tl\is earth at that critical
junctu re in h istory to 'save man–
kind from self-destruction (see
Matt. 24:22) and usher in a mil–
lennial rule of peace and prosper–
ily , God 's government wi ll be
established over the enti re earth.
All nat ions wi ll submit to him.
Church and State will be united
under his rule. There will be
Chu r ch - one God-one r eli–
gion- ONE
MENT! (Rev: 19:16. )
Many Sunni Moslems look for–
ward to this very event-but they
bel ieve that J esus wi ll descend to
Damascus, not Jerusalem as the
Bible declares in Zechariah 14.
Shia Moslems also look forward to
the return of a Messiah or Mah–
di- though not Jesus-in the near
Religious confusion wi ll forever
come to an end . All eyes will be
opened to the truth.
nations and
peoples will come to recognize
J esus as the true Messiah- the
Messiah whom, by a variety of
names in many religions, they have
all long anticipated.
This is the clear testimony of
Bible prophecy. The events in the
Midd le East in the years just ahead
will bear witness to its unerring
accu racy! o
(Continued from page 24)
give sorne couples pause, not to
mention the mental anguish in–
volved in being "set free."
One survey rcported that 60 per–
cent of the men and 73 percent of
lhe women who had been divorced
for ayear felt that they had made a
mistake after having taken the time
to reflect.
Divorce isn't an easy way out.
an easy way to poverty.
The Tithing Principie
1n establishing your plan to avoid
becomi ng another of the new poor,
another step you need to considcr is
forming a parlnership. l t would be
quite nice to have someone around
who can guarantee you a cushion of
relief when you need it. Someone
who could give you the help you
need at jusl the right time. Nol a
partnership with another human
being, but o ne wit h God . As
s trange as this may sound in this
modern world , it is an association
that can del iver you from your
financial headaches.
How do you go about forming a
partnership with God? Did you
ever stop lo think that every natural
thing on this earth, in the earth or
around the earth, is God's? The
very ai r you breathe, the food you
eat and the water you d rink to sus–
tain yourself were all created by
God. God says the entire earth is
his (Ex. 19:5).
The very paper that your dollar,
pou nd, f ranc, mark or peso is
printed on comes from natural
fi bers that God created . Yes, even
your money is God's. " 'The si lver
is mine and the gold is mine,'
declares the Lord Almighty" ( Hag.
To begin your relationship with
God, you must first begin to obey
God's law of t ithing. In this part–
nership, in exchange for 1
of your financial increase, God
gives you 90 percent of the profits
plus a promised bonus: added pros–
On the surface this may not
sound realistic. But appearances can
be deceiving. Sometimes what may
seem right to a man isn't what is
good for him (see Proverbs 14:12) .
Over the long term, man hasn' t had
the best track record when it comes
to finances--or anything else for
that matter. But God offers you a
way out. " Honor the Lord with your
wealth , with the firstfruits of all
your crops; then your barns wi ll be
fi lled to overftowing, and your vats
wi ll brim over with new wi ne"
(Prov. 3:9-1 0).
God wants you to prosper ( 111
John 2). He also challenges you to
see if tithing will not benefit you.
" 'Test me in this,' says the Lord
Almighty, 'and see if 1 will not
throw open the floodgates of heaven
and pour out so much blessing that
you will not have room enough for
it' "(Mal. 3: 10) . But God leaves the
choice up to you. Those who appro–
priate God's rightful share of their
income for thei r own use are steal–
ing frorn God (verses 8-9).
Don' t Procrastlnate
T he thing to do now is act while
you still have you r job. Start today
to cut your debts down to a man–
ageable size. Begin a savings pro–
gram to build a three-month
cushion . Start a realistic budget.
Begin to enhance your position on
your job. l f you, as a housewife, are
thinking about going to work, be
sure you know what your real com–
pensation will be. Consider sorne
alternatives to a full-time job.
Realize, too, that you rnay not be
able to have only one career in your
working life. Develop a number of
job ski lls that you can call on
should the need arise. Reduce your
medical bilis by eating a balanced
diet , exercising and getting proper
rest. Work at having a good mar–
riage. Divorce can ruin you finan–
cially. And above all , takc God's
challenge on tithing . See if he
won't help you out of your present
and future financial straits.
There are other measures you
can take to avoid the financia!
disaster that has stricken so many.
Learn about those that apply to
your situation by s tudying up-to–
date books on the subject.
But, remember, the next time
you see a jobless, homeless individ–
ual living in a car or on the streets,
that "there but for the grace of
God go
lt could happen , unless
you act now lo do sornething about