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ing "adversary." The numerous
angels that followed him in bis rebel–
lion were tbrust back down to earth
and became demons (Rev. 12:9).
Few today realize that Satan and
his evi l host have swayed a ll
humanity with wrong attitudes and
with clever deceptions.
Many don't believe Satan exists.
But Jesus Christ said Satan is the
father of murder and líes (John
8:44). He is the author of violence,
lawlessness and criminality.
But how did man first become
subject to Satan's att itudes and
Beglnning of Human Vlolence
God created mankind for an awe–
some pu rpose. In G'enesis
God said, "Let Us make man in
Our image, according to Our like–
ness; let them bave dominion over
the fish of the sea, over the birds of
the air, and over the cattle ... and
over every creeping thing that
creeps on the earth" (RA
God commanded the fi rst man,
Adam, in the garden of Eden, to
"tend and keep it" (Gen. 2:15).
Adam was given the opportuni ty to
submit to tbe government of God
and replace Satan as ruler over the
ear th. By building right character,
which íncluded proper administra–
tion of his envi ronment, Adam
could qualify for earth's rulership
in God's government.
But the first man, Adam, and bis
wife Eve failed the test. They
yíelded to doubting altitudes and
false reasoning implanted in their
minds by Satan. They decided to
experiment to find truth. They
chose to disbelieve their Maker.
For their rebellion the first
humans were dríven from the gar–
den of Eden. They and their prog–
eny were permitted- since tbat is
what they wanted to do--to experi–
ment wíth and develop their own
governments and ways of living and
to experience the results.
Caín, Adam and Eve's first son,
allowed evil and violent attitudes to
develop in his character. God
warned him to
(Gen. 4:6-7).
But Caín chose not to. He soon rose
up and killed bis brother Abel,
because he (Caín) was "of the
wicked one" (I John 3: 12).
After this, human beings went
their own ways, farther and farther
from God a nd bis ways. The
results? Endless wars, strife, vio–
lence, fear and suffering! Nations
armed themselves with ever more
sophisticated weapons to protect
themselves from, or to threaten,
other natíons.
Yet God did not leave mankind
ignorant of right government and
right ways of living.
Blrth of a Rema rkable Nation
From a deceived and corrupt world
God called a special nation, .ancient
Is rael. Israel was to be a holy
nation, unique among nations. God
gave tbat people the opportunity to
be an example of the abundance
and peace a nation could receíve if
subject to the government and laws
of God.
God promised ancient Israel, " l f
you walk in My statutes and keep
My commandments, and perform
them .. . I will give peace in the
land, and you shall líe down, and
none will make you afraid ... and
the sword [warfare] will not go
through your land" (Lev.
26:3, 6,
But in Deuteronomy, chapter
28, the Creator warned the nation
that if they would not be diligent
to keep his laws, "Cursed shall
you be in the city, and cursed
s hall you be i n the coun–
try.... Your life shall hang in
doubt before you; you shall fear
day and night, and have no assur–
ance of life" (verses 16, 66).
Grasp it! Fear of crime and vio–
lence is the result of nations refus-
ing to diligently do what God com–
God commanded ancient Israel to
obey the Ten Commandments. That
basic law is a dynamic spiritual law
codified for mankind . l t reveals how
to have right relationships with God
and fellowman. God's basic law
teaches love and respect. lt forbids
dishonoring parents, murder, adul–
tery, stealing, lying, lust and greed.
Violation of these laws brings auto–
matic penalties.
Jesus Christ said God's laws
could be summed up as follows:
" ' "You shall love the Lord your
God with all your heart, with all
your soul, and with all your mind. "
This is the first and great com–
mandment. And the second is Jike
it. " You shalllove your neighbor as
yourself."'" Jesus was quoting out
of the law given to God's chosen
nation, Israel (see Deut. 6:5 and
Lev. 19:18).
God revealed to ancient Israel
many laws and statutes against var–
ious criminal acts. God pronounced
judgments against bribery and per–
version of judgment among ap–
pointed officials. He forbade cor–
ruption and abuse of public trust.
These laws are cataloged in the
first five books of Scr ipture.
These laws were to be taught
to succeeding generations
so they, too, could be blesscd by
obeying them.
Responsibility for Right lnstruction
God placed major responsibility for
teaching right values and altitudes
on the family unit (Deut.
That means teaching, first and
foremost, by parental example.
It is the breakdown of this criti–
ca) responsibility that is the firs t
link in a chain of causes that lead to
violent attitudes and criminal
behavior. But parents are not the
only bulwark agains t criminal and
violent attitudes.
was the responsibility of con–
stituted authority,
not individuals,
to render swift-moving judgment
and justice in any case of criminal
behavior (Deut. 13:11, 17:13,
God commanded swift justice
against evildoers because criminal
attitudes, if unrepented of and
allowed to persist, threaten the
(Continued on page 36)