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tion, he may simply run out in the street one day
against your wishes and be crushed by a speeding
The point is that little chi ldren, for thei r
own pro–
must be taught to obey their parents. In any
number of dangerous situations, it could quite literally
spell the difference between life and death.
As they grow older-say 1O to 12 years-they also
need to have had the whys and wherefores and t he
behind these instructions explained to them.
Teen Tralnlng
From the earliest years, one big area to work on with
your chi ldren is
Teach them the impor–
tance of being
to thei r parents' wishes, of
obeying the Fifth Commandment and honoring thei r
parents. Teach them the importance of honesty,
integrity, cour tesy and kindness. Teach them to
respect the law of the land, to respect the rights of
others, to love God , love thei r parents, love thei r
Inst ill ing these principies and right attitudes from
the earliest years is of vital impor tance. For these
basic principies and atti-
tudes form the founda-
such dangerous acts as cited above, you wi ll be per–
forming the greatest act of
that you could possi-
bly render on such an occasion.
Scripture tells us, "Foolishness is bound in the heart
of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far
from him" (Prov. 22:15). Again, "The rod and reproof
give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his
mother to shame" (Prov. 29: 15).
If you t ruly
your little chi ld, you
on the
fatty area designed by your C reator- when he or she
needs it! And you wi ll demonstrate the depth of
heartfe/t concern
for him by this action.
No, 1 do
mean chi ld beating! 1 do
with an adult losing his or her temper and striking a
chi ld in an uncontrolled rage!
injure him. Do
lose your temper or
strike him on or about the head or any other vital
organ. But oo spank him hard enough so that he
sincere/y cries
and is
for his misconduct.
Then, after the worst of his crying subsides, take
in your arms. Tell him you love him, that
you had to spank him so he would be a good boy, and
that you hope he wi lllearn todo better and grow up to
be a fine, good man.
About this t ime, the
tion on which your
ch ild's basic char acter
and his entire approach
to life will rest.
Babies and children must bave
normal child is hugging
you back, realizing and
agreeing that he
the spanking, and feel ing
more secure in your !ove
and your genu ine concern
for him tha n he di d
before the spanking. For
you will have broken
through an emotional bar–
rier with your child by
the kind of proper disci–
pl ine 1 have just de-
constant affection
So teach your child to
control his or her emo–
tions, to develop emo–
tional stabili ty and a pos–
it ive attitude toward life.
Never give in to temper
tantrums in your chi l–
dren. You should correct
them for tantrums and
w r ong altitud es more
and encouragement to develop
tbe right kind
of confidence and sense of worth
and tbe capacity to feel
and express affection themselves.
t han fo r careless over-
sight or an accident that did not involve a wrong
Co rrectlon and Discipline
T his mixed-up modero society is reaping the whirl–
wind created by
psychologists, teachers and
parents. Uncontrolled, rebellious youths are wreaking
havoc in many of our cities, schools and bornes.
Mueh of this is because modero man has been
deceived into thinking that in rearing children it has to
be either !ove
That is utterly and tragically foolish.
In t ruth, the correct approach to child rearing
involves both love AN D d iscipline. For they go hand
in hand and complement one another.
As cited above, if your little chi ld keeps running out
in the street-laughing at you because you either can't
or won't spank your child 's bottom for this foolishness ,
you may
lose your child
in the grinding crash of an
automobi le. And al l the permissive sociologists and
psychologists on earth won't be able to bring him back
from the dead.
But if you patient ly, lovingly correct the chi ld for
Somehow, after a
spanking done
in /ove,
a child is enabled to respond
better to his parents in a deep, trusting manner. After
sorne months of this kind of proper d iscipline, the
chi ld knows that he has "seen the other side of the
mountain," and it is not all that bad. He has experi–
enced the fact that when bis youthful tensions and
self-will result in outward rebell ion,
he gets spanked.
But the chi ld sees that the spanking is done
in /ove
and for his or her good. T hat the tensions bui lding up
are actually relieved by the spanking and subsequent
tears. And that you and your child actually feel closer
emotionally after sharing this intimate, loving experi–
ence of helping a young child get control of himself
and grow up.
As the properly reared child grows into puberty and
the teenage years, spanking will be done less and less.
It is all grounded in the fact- instilled
in the
child's life-that you the parent are in charge, that
discipline must and will be carried out for the chi ld's
good if wrong attitudes or rebellious, disrespectful
behavior occur.
The young person can have confidence in this fact,
and i n the concern he
(Continued on page 29)