sensible! They are beneficial! They
are good! They constitute the most
sound law that ever existed! Not
having the attitude of mind of
wanting to obey them is what is
wrong with our world!
This is the world's problem!
lf the Ten Commandments were
kept by mankind according to the
spirit and intent of the law, there
would be utopía! God's righteous
law is the way to happiness.
the only way to peace. That law is
as sound, wise and full of under–
standing today as it was in the
beginning and when God instructed
ancient Is rael to obey it.
All ten of the Ten Command–
ments are as much in force now as
then! And breaking them is the
of all human problems.
Why have so few religious lead–
ers told us that?
Jesus Christ carne to this earth
to bring a message of peace and the
way to peace. Jesus himself kept
the commandments and taught his
followers to obey them also. That is
why Jesus had peace of mind.
"Think not that 1 am come to
destroy the law, or the prophets: 1
am not cometo destroy, but to ful–
fil ," he said. "For veri ly 1 say unto
you, Till heaven and earth pass, one
jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass
from the law, till all be fulfilled"
(Matt. 5: 17-18). Not one dot–
ting of an
or crossing of a
has changed in that spiritual
What a plain statement!
Could it be any clearer
than that?
Honour thy father and thy mother:
and,"-summing up-"Thou shalt
love thy neighbour as thyselr'
(verses 18-19).
Not only is Jesus telling us to
keep the Ten Commandments, he
is telling us that keeping the Ten
loving one's
neighbor and prerequisi te to receiv–
ing eternal life! " lf thou wilt enter
into life [eternal life- how to
receive it was the question asked],
keep the commandments," Jesus
But what do we fi nd today?
" This people honoureth me
with their lips,"--oh, they talk
about peace among nations-"but
their heart is far from me. How–
beit in vain do they worship me,
teaching for doct rines the com–
mandments of men. For laying
aside the commandment of God,
ye hold the tradition of men ... "
said Jesus. "And he said unto
them, Full well ye reject the com–
mandment of God, that ye may
keep your own tradition" (Mark
What commandments was Jesus
talking about? The T en Command–
ments. In the very next s tatement,
verse 1O, he
ry and
le 111ech
Heaven and earth are
sti ll here! God's law is still
in force and viable. lt's time
PeopJesers that anci anlcaJ
the world listened!
A young man once carne to
Jesus and asked what to do to
have eternal life: " Good Master,
what good thing shall 1 do, that 1
may have eternal life? And he [Je–
sus] said unto him, Why callest
thou me good? there is none good
but one, that is, God: but if thou
wilt enter into life, keep the com–
mandments" (Matt. 19:16-17) .
The young man said to him,
" Jesus said, Thou shalt do no
murder, Thou shalt not commit
adultery, Thou shalt not steal,
Thou shalt not bear false witness,
o ve
. '
We ca '
ProbJem uman
mentions one
of the commandments being
broken-"Honour thy father and
thy mother."
that commandment
were kept there would be no street
gangs terrorizing our cities.
Be a Doer
Even the apost le Paul, who is often
misquoted when speaking of law,
said, "Wherefore the law is holy,
and the commandment holy, and
just, and good" (Rom. 7: 12).
is by God's revealed spiritual
law that we know what is and is not
sin. " 1 had not known sin, but by
the Iaw", said Paul (Rom. 7:7).
Sin is the breaking of God's law.
"Whosoever committeth sin trans–
gresseth also the Iaw: fór sin is the
transgression of the Iaw," wrote
John (1 John 3:4). And, "the wages
of sin is death," said Paul (Rom.
Death reigns in the world today
because the nations are sinning.
They are, in general , not motivated
by concern for others but by self–
ishness and self-concern at the
expense of others.
lt ls T ime to Repent
All have broken God's law! All are
guilty. All of us have sinned! "For
all have sinned, and come short of
the glory of God," says your Bible
(Rom. 3:23).
is time to stop sinning!
time to change, to stop breaking
God's Ten Commandments (11 Pet.
3:9). The penalty for disobeying is
death, national and individuai–
"For the wages of sin is death"
(Rom. 6:23).
No matter who you are or what
position in life you hold , you can
change, even if others will not. You
can repent from breaking God's
law. God is willing to forgive and
forget what you've done in the past
if your attitude now is to change
and do what is right- sincerely and
"Turn ye, turn ye from your evi l
ways; for why will ye die ... ?"
asks God in Ezekiel 33:11. God
wants you to turn away from break–
ing his law. It's this attitude of
mind and heart, a willingness to see
mistakes and realize God's law is
right and best, that God desires.
That's the way to peace and true
harmony on earth. And it begins
with each of you.
"Come now ... saith the Lord:
though your sins be as scarlet, they
shall be as white as snow; though
they be red like crimson, they shall
be as wool. If ye be willing and
obed ient ... " (lsa. 1: 18-19) . What
peace of mind that would bring to
the whole world. This is the miss–
ing ingredient in world a f–
fairs. o