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Patrick A. Parnell
Leaders know something drastic is wrong with our
they only knew the causes they could correct the problems.
a paradox! We
live in a world filled
with breathtaking,
tec hn o log ical marvels.
Science and learning is at an
all-time high. Knowledge in
a ll fields is increasing at a
rate a lmost beyond compre–
Yet, at the same time, miser–
ies and unhappy problems
abound. We're plagued with
crime. Yenereal diseases are
epidemic. Families are torn
apart by divorce. Hate, vio–
lence, murder and civil
wars exist worl dwide.
Why such a contradic–
Lite Could Be Dl fferen t
This world has great
potential. Picture for a
moment the way things
could be. A world free
of crime, free of family
problems, hate and vio–
lmagine-if you can–
a world without theft.
Think of the peace of mind
that e liminating just this
one aspect of crime would
bring. We wouldn't have to
lock up or chain down everything
we own. Iron gates, bars, guard
dogs, burglar alarm systems and
sophisticated, costly security net–
works, often making us prisoners
in our own homes and places of
June 1983
work, would be things of the past.
We could trust our neighbor, even
a stranger, knowing our valuables
and possessions are safe.
Secret, under-the-counter deaJs,
payoffs and graft, exorbitant
added on costs to goods and ser–
vices; out and out bribes; em–
ployee theft of
ti me and
materials- these, too, would be
eliminated. There would be com–
plete trus t bctween employer and
employee if theft were no longer a
problem. Employees would trust
employers, realizing they would
receive honest, fair earnings for
their work, knowing they wouldn't
be cheated.
These changes only
scratch the sur-