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What Our Readers
New Readers
Severa! years ago 1 sub–
scribed to the
Plain Truth
magazine. After receiving it for
a long time- without taking
time toread it- 1 thought
too busy- 1 cance lled, very
am retired now, and
recently asked for the subscrip–
tion to be started again .
received the introductory issue
month. 1 read it from cover
to cover, and can't begin to tell
you how much 1 enjoyed it. 1
think of all those wooderful
strong. 1 was very much inter–
ested in your message about
what is going to happen in
this world . You also made
mention about your free book–
The Book of Revelation
Unveiled at Last.
1 wanl to
lea rn the prophecies in the
hardest book of the New Tcs–
tameot- the Revelation.
"There ls No Second Chance,"
dealing with proper nutrition in
pregnancy. 1 could not help but
notice that you are deeply
involved in helpiog your read–
ers make the most of their spir–
itual as well as worldly
resourccs while thcy gain a
sense of accomplishment out of
their important roles as mem–
bers of our society and as
suggestions given and examples
used make it possible for read–
ers to save at least
JO% to 20%
a week on family food bilis. The
files in my office are bulging
with testimonials to this effect.
Others who have merely read
aod followed a few of the ideas
found that they too benefited,
though, of course, in varying
degreC:s .
Please send me one, so that 1
could help our teacher in our
Bible class.
too, have a deep interest in
helping families make the most
of their limited resources. As a
part of my work in the field of
family money management , for
the New York State Coopera–
tive Extension Service, 1 have
prepared a kit of materials enti–
Be a Better Shopper
Buying in Supermarkets.
The kit provides a system
designed to develop and im–
prove shopping ski ll s, help
shoppers stretcb their super–
market dollars and point out
the values and rewards of
planned spending.
Adelina V. Yting
Sta. Cruz, Jimenez
Misamis Occidental
Frann O.
Ashland, Oregon
Nutñtion and
1 heard your sermon over
the te l ev ision, Mr. Arm-
1 read with great interest in
The Plain Truth
the article
asked in signing the proclamation.
How many Americans wi ll heed
Mr. Reagan's request?
lgnoring the Blble's lnjunctions
If Americans of recent years had
still been reading the Bible, and
believing the clear injunctions and
warnings of its inspired writers,
they wou_ld have known that deficit
spending year after year is wrong,
that abortion is murder- the
breaking of the S ixth Command–
ment-that alcohol and drug abuse
are " lusts of the ftesh," not unex–
plainable "diseases," that pornogra–
phy is clearly injur ious to one's
moral outlook--despite what presi–
dent ial commissions might re–
port- and that homosexuality is
thoroughly condemned throughout
the Bible. San Francisco, Califor–
nia, would not have become, as
sorne say, a "walk-in closet"!
President Reagan recently ob–
served that "each year government
bureaucracies spend billions on
problems related to drugs and alco–
holism and disease."
May 1983
"Has anyone stopped to consid–
cr," added the President, "that we
might come closer to balancing the
budget if all of us simply tried to
live up to the Ten Commandments
and the golden rule?"
How then, does God view Amer–
ica today? Notice the first chapter
of the book of Isaiah, verse 4
"Alas, sinful nation, a
people ladeo with iniquity, a brood
of evildoers, children who are cor–
God's Somber Warning
God furth e rmore says of t he
nation, in verse
that "thc whole
head"-meaning its governing ap–
paratus- "is sick" and that "the
whole heart" - referring to its
national sou l and morale–
" faints."
Of American society, God says,
"From the sole of the foot even to
the head, there is no soundncss in
it, but wounds and bruises and
putrefying sores."
Concerning America's low moral
standing, God refers, with few
Heinz B. Biesdoñ
Extension Faculty Professor,
Consumer Economics
Jtbaca. New York
exccpt ions, to its leaders and its cit–
izens in very explicit terms, one not
Iikely to please the proponents of
gay rights.
ou rulers of Sodom," God
thunders, people of Gomor–
God's instructions to America
today are equally plain, beginning
in verse
uwash yourselves, make your–
selves clean; put away the evil of
your doings from before My eyes.
Cease to do ev il , learn to do
'Come now, and Jet us reason
together,' says the Lord, 'Though
your sins are like scarlet , they shall
be as white as snow....
you are
willing and obedicnt, you shall eat
the good of the land; but if you
refuse and rebel, you shall be
devoured by the sword. ' "
Yes, a divine punishment is
coming- u n less America obe–
diently turns to God a nd h is
"For the mouth of the Lord has