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gy. But the money and materials to
develop such a program were sim–
ply not available-hence, President
Kenyatta's decision to limit the
school's scopc.
Tbrough a working relationship
with the Foundation, friends in the
Japanese govcrnment saw Kenya's
need and responded in a remark–
ably positivc way.
The Japanese stepped in and
offered no less than US$25 million
in aid as an example of the "give"
way of lifc.
Results of Positive lnternational
The result?
On 500 acres donated by the late
president now stands a full college,
offer ing dcgrees in agriculture,
engineering and tcchnology. More
than 80 qualified instructors from
Kenya, Japan, Lebanon, Hungary,
the Unitcd States and other coun–
tries comprise the faculty .
The technology taught utilizes
Japanese equipment. In exchange
for helping improve the education
of this Third World country,
Japan, in turn, benefits by dcvclop–
ing a market for her industrialized
The skills the Kenyans lcarn will
also open doors for Uni tcd States,
European or Soviet equipmcnt. But
it is only the J apanese who have, in
this instancc, begun at Jomo
Ke nyatta College to teach the
Kenyans how to improve "fishing"
in the
of agriculture and tech–
The Plain Truth
lauds this
cffort. May othcr countrics
the policy of
betwcen Kenya and J apan.
hen all human beings- you included have earned
the death penalty for sin. The Bible also reveals that
the word
means exactly that-complete
cessation of life, not eternal existence in heaven or
hell or purgatory. The most important question in your
life is how to be saved from that death penalty you have
incurred! What, then, is salvation? Is it a place? A
condition? A reward? When do you
receive it? Our free booldet
What Do You
Mean .
makes the truth
clear. You may have a copy by mailing
the card to our office nearest you.
Assure Peace
(Continued from page 34)
our central focus- it must, if you
will, be our character. G iving in
terms of emotion and evcry other
arca of life is a habit that must be
l ~arned.
Right c haracter is, for those
who understand, God's c haracter,
and it is what mankind was
actually ·creatcd to develop. Devel–
oping perfect character, including
complete emotional maturity, ulti–
mately requires living God's way,
the way the Biblc teaches, pcrfect–
Living that way requires having
God's Holy Spirit, which
tclls us is not "a spirit of
fear , but of power and of lovc and
of a sound mind."
God's Spirit, imparted to our
minds, implants within us God's
own mind and character. We
change, through a proccss called
conversion, from the selfish way of
human naturc, rejecting immature,
carnal patterns of action, and bcgin
to think the way God thinks, j udge
situations t he way God judges
thcm, act the way God acts. We
practice God's way until it bccomes
our own naturc-our constant hab–
lt is the absencc of God's Spirit
and the giving way of lifc from
the world in general that has
caused every bad effect we see
around us!
Think what a different world it
could be! A world in contact with
God, a world at peace-evcryone
happily cooperating with cach
other, under God's direction, to
achieve ever grcater progress and
accomplishments. A world that
knows no war, no violence, no
broken homes, no mental illness,
no emotional immaturity. A world
built on salid fami lies, lovc for
fellowm a n and people getti ng
along well with each other all the
The beginning of that world–
the wonderful world tomorrow- is
imminent. That is the message this
magazine proclaims. We all need to
be preparing ourselves for that
coming world, and we can look for–
ward to it with joy and cxcited