Hebrew prophet Hosea despai red
of those who would be "destroyed
for lack of knowledge."
Lack of knowledge of computer
technology? Lack of knowledge of
modern missi le weaponry? By no
means! What we mean is the lack
of knowing
God-the only abso–
lute certainty
in the universe.
The Ultimate Uncertainty-Human
Life ltself!
Nolhing is more uncertain than
human life. All living things begin
lo die as soon as they are born.
There is no escape.
Throughout history man has
been painfully aware of his own
mortality. He has sought to escape
the certainty of death in a variety
of ways. Ponce de Leon searchcd
for the fabled fountain of youth.
The Greeks speculated aboul and
the church later perpetuated the
phi losophical concept of the im–
mortality of the soul- that man's
soul would fi na lly divest itself of its
evil body at the moment of death.
Recent issues of
The Plain Truth
have shown it to be a fabl e.
More practica! mind s have
sought to preserve themselves
lhrough "immortal" works of art,
magnificently constructed edifices
beari ng t heir names, or classic
books that they authored. The
ancient psalmist well expressed this
proclivity of man: "Their inner
thought is, that their houses are
forever, and their dwelling places to
all generations; they have called
their la nds after their own names"
49: 11 ,
None of the trappings of human
civilization are truly immortal. The
Alexandrian L ibrary of a ncient
Egypt was burned to the ground.
Palestine is the graveyard of severa!
Everything that the eye can
see- whether organic or inor–
ganic-is aging or. decaying to one
degree or the other. There is no
arguing with this fact. It is a basic
law of the physical universe.
Is each generation born only to
die in a never-ceasing stream of
The Solutlon to Uncertainty
The Bible itself affirms the truth
about the anxiety and uncertainty
of the material world- and at the
same time offers a un ique solution.
The apostle Paul spoke of a
tual solution
made possible from
an entirely spiritual source.
Notice an important excerpt
from one of his letters to Christians
at Corinth: "So we do not lose
heart. Though our outer nature is
wasting away, our inner nature is
being renewed every day. For tbís
slight momentary affi iction is pre–
paring for us an eterna! weight of
glo r y beyond a ll comparison ,
because we look not lo the things
that are seen but to the thíngs that
are unseen; for the things that are
seen are transient , but the things
that are unseen are eternal"
( ll
Permanent spirit life cannot be
tested by the five senses of man.
is an íngredient that is lotally spiri–
tual- therefore totally real.
even now available as a germ of
immortality while we are still tlesh
(1 Peter
1:3, 23).
is the Holy
Spirit of God.
But without the marvelous ingre–
dient of faith , the Holy Spirit can–
not be obtained.
The Miracle of Falth
Faith is foundational and fundamen–
tal to any real quest for certainty.
Faith is the only real recipe for con–
quering human uncertainty.
But what is fai th, anyway? Is it
blind confidence? Or is it based on
something more substantial? Paul
expressed the essence of true faith to
J ewish Christians: "Now faith is the
substance [assurance or certainty] of
things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen" (Hebrews 11: 1,
You do not need faith for some–
thing you already possess. Faitb
revolves around something "not
seen"- something you do not yet
have. The apostle Paul elucidated
this point in an earl ier letter to
Christians at Rome: "For we are
saved by hope: but hope that is seen
is not hope: for what a man seeth,
why doth he yet hope for ? But if
we hope for that (which] we see
not, tben do we with patience wait
for it" (Romans
T he apostle to the Gentiles was
himself an example of tbis living
faith. As a prisoner, Paul boarded a
sailing ship bound for Jtaly. He
warned the captain in advance that
the cargo and the passengers would
be in dire jeopardy should they
undertake the voyage. But his warn–
ing went unheeded and not long
afterward, three days of tbe worst
type of stormy weather took away all
hope that any aboard would survive.
Although all the physical evi–
dence- what they could see (the
swirl ing t em pes t s urrounding
them) - indicated the contrary,
Paul stood up and said, " ... There
shall be no loss of any man's life
among you.... For there stood by
me this night the angel of God
. .. saying, Fear not, Paul ; tbou
must be brought befare Caesar:
and, Jo, God hath given thee all
them that sail with thee. Where–
fore, sirs, be of good cheer: for
believe God,
that it shall be even as
it was told me" (Acts
Paul had an unquestioning con–
viction that God would indeed do
what he had promised . He was
of God's promises. His was the
kind of faith that sweeps away all
But this one incident of faith
only resulted in a temporary saving
of human life aboard a ship in ter–
rible danger. More importantly,
J esus Christ explained-as we have
seen Peter also did-that real faith
can cause the seeds of permanent
spí rit life to be sown in tbe tlesh in
the here and now. He said, "Truly,
truly, J say to you, he who hears my
word and believes him [God tbe
Father] who sent me, has eterna!
life; he does not come into judg–
ment, but has passed from death
into life" (J ohn
RSV) .
Unless and until this new begin–
ning happens to you personally, you
have no cerlainly of future life. But
it can happen to you! Find out lhe
whys and wherefores by requesting
the booklets and reprint articles
recommended below.
Recommended Reading
Those interested in pursuing a fur–
ther study of the aspects of faith and
immortality may write for two free
Does God Exist?
What l s Faith?
And for the reprint: "Why God ls
Not Real to Most People!"
See the inside front cover for the
address of our office near est
you. o