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Donald D. Schroeder
Here we focus on the two primary
that contribute to violence.
do you expla in the
growing c rime a nd
violence in our world?
The sen sel ess s treet
killings, ra pe and assault in
so-called civili zed societies?
Why has the rate of violence
s ur ged s kywa rd during the
un paralleled prosperity of the
post World War 11 period ? And
much o f i t is no t betwe e n
strangers but in fam ily units–
between husbands a nd wives,
parents and children or between
social acquain tances.
Child abuse, mate beat ing , sui–
cide and mu rder- violence in all its
forms- now is the United S tates'
No. 1
public health problem, says
U.S. Surgeon General C . Everett
Coop. Bu t he l a me nt s th a t
criminologis ts and sociologists are
confuscd as to why.
Do You Know?
No signifi cant genetic, ch romo–
somal or hormonal differences can
be shown to exis t between those
who frequently commit violcnt and
aggressive assaults and those who
d o no t. Med ica! exami na t ions
admit that organic defects, at most ,
account for only a negl igible por–
tia n o f human aggression.
Yio lent ph ys ical a nd verba l
assault can be found i n a ll classes–
in upper-class white collar levels as
well as in downtrodden ghettos.
And confound ing the experts fu r–
ther, numbers of societies--some
poverty st ricken by Western stan–
dards-exper ience low levels o f
crime and violence.
Why have the sciences of sociol–
ogy and criminology failed to d is–
cover the root causes of violent
behavior and the
of human
Because they have rej ected the
Source that reveals those causes!
T hey are not able to recognize or
are unwilli ng lo face the reasons
why human nature is what it is!
First Cause of Aggression
and Violence
There was a defini te beginning of
violence and aggression. How many
today believe the scripture, " He
who commits si n is of the devil "
( l J ohn 3:8, RSV) ?
T he Bible reveals the originator of
sin-of hate, conquest , aggression
and murder. T his great spir it being,
an archangel, was namcd Luci fer in
Latin. The name means
T his being was pul over the earth
by the Creator to administer the gov–
ernment of God. Bu t he wasn' t satis–
fied with h is high posi tion. He
wanted the top position of power and
riches for hi msel f. He reasoned the
"get" way- get for self even if it
means taking away from or hurting
others-was the way to acquire what
he wanted .
God 's laws, by contras t , are
based on !ove, concern and respect
for others. But Lucifer began to
reason the way of love wasn' t the
best way. Lust perverted his mind .
" You [Lucifer] were per fect in
your ways from the day you were
created, t ill iniquity [Jawlessness]
was found in you," reveals God in
Ezekiel 28: 15 (RAY) .
L uci fer decided to be a compet i–
tor with God. " 1 will make myself
like the Mos t High," he said ( lsa.
14:14, RSY).
Luci fer was able to draw away
one thi rd of God's angels wi th him
in his ult imate rebell ion (see Reve–
lat ion 12:4) . He did it through sub–
t le defaming of God's character,
God's laws and purposes.
Lucifer, his name now changed
to Satan , meaning " Adversary ,"
attempted by aggression and con–
quest to boot God off his throne
over the universe. Bu t Satan mis–
calculated the awesome power of
God . He and h is vio lence-bent
army of angels, now demons, were
flung back down to earth. " l beheld
Satan as lightning fall from heav–
en," said J esus (Luke 10:18).
J esus said Satan was a murderer
from the beginning of his rebei–
Iion- and the father of lies ( John
8:44) . J es us a lso wa rn ed th at
human beings from bir th could
allow Satan's altitudes of decei t ,
lying, false accusat ion, hate, lus t
and re bellion to enter thei r minds if
they permitted it (see verses 38, 4 1,
44, same chapter) .
How ma ny today have been
taught or know that an invisible
spi r it being is broadcasting wrong
atti t udes throughou t the atmo-