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on a conveyor belt system. Each
workman has to do his part as it
passes him. This way we regulate the
speed of production. Actually, we
now are getting twice the man-per–
day production for
that our rivals
get per man per day working one
hour longer than our employees.
"That means," Mr. Lee contin–
ued, "that other manufacturers in
our industry pay for two days $7.50
for the same production we get in
one nine-hour day for
So we pay
less per day for the same
results as others pay in two ten-hour
was not long, however, until
all motorcar manufacturers went
on the assembly-line, mass-ma–
chine-production system. Not only
these, but all Iarge manufacturers
in the U.S.
America offered her manufac–
turers a mass market for machine
production. Other nations at that
time-Britain, Russia and Japan,
for example-did not have mass
Two world wars have changed all
But in the meantime, beginning
World War
U.S. manufacturers,
by this new mass machine produc–
tion, began producing much more
per dallar cost. This abnormally
skyrocketed manufacturers' prof–
But labor union leaders were
determined not to allow capital and
management to keep all the vastly
increased profits. The labor union
movement surged, even violently.
Strikes everywhere sought to trans–
fer the huge escalating profits into
the hands of labor.
Industrial labor attracted a rap–
idly increasing population flow of
the previously rural majority into
the cities. This converted industrial
labor into our primary consumer
Result? The U.S. standard of
living rose to a height never known
by any other nation in world his–
T qe labor union movement did
not materially affect consumer liv–
ing standards in the other industrial
countries until more recently.
Brita in's F o rme r Dominan c e
Prior to World War
the British
Empire had risen to become the
greatest in material wealth, and
even in power, in all earth's history.
The world economic and power
dominance began in both Britain
and the U.S. around 1800. In those
years the U .S. leaped, largely
through the Louisiana Purchase,
from its original 13-colony status to
a major nation.
But Britain leaped into material
greatness first. By 1804 London
was the financia! capital of the
whole world. The British had gob–
bled up large parts of Afríca and
Asia, including India. They boasted
that tbe sun never set on their
But the top landed barons kept
their vastly increasing wealth large–
ly to themselves. Their wealth was
not diffused among the lower
classes. Until after World War
youth desiring a college education
could not gain admission unless his
father was university educated. The
class system in England kept the
lower classes low. T he upper class
built great mansions, from about
rooms up lo the great houses, like
kings ' palaces.
Today Britain has lost her
empire, is no longer a majar power
like the United States and the
U.S.S.R. Britain has been on the
way down, in national wealth and
power, since World War
And now the United States is
ward path!
Ou r Rise and F all Has
Anc ient Roots
There is a far more important CAUSE
behind the Anglo-American rise and
fall t.han mass machine production
and labor union action producing a
greater diffusion of wealth.
There is a far greater CAUSE that
is now starting in rapid descent to
It is true that even though Brit–
ain as a former world empire has
her national greatness, yet
today there is a moderately larger
diffusion of what prosperity .they
have left. British labor carne to
receive probably slightly more than
half of America's present labor
income. But Swiss, German, Swed–
ish and other European living stan–
dards also rose markedly.
The real CAUSE, however, for the
rise and fall of Britain and the
United States dates back to centu–
ries ·befare Christ.
Our Ancien t Roots
There is a far more significant rea–
son- both for our Anglo-American
ascendancy to the highest living
standards ever enjoyed by any
nations in earth's history, and our
sudden PLUNG
we are now
Few indeed realize that
hundreds of years befare Christ,
God had made certain unbreakable
and irrevocable PROMISES to the
descendants of the patriarch Abra–
ham. This has never been realized
or proclaimed by "traditional
Abraham is designated in the
New Testament as the "FATHER of
the faithful," since all of God's
promises of salvation and eterna!
life through Christ were made to
Abraham-and Jesus Christ was
directly descended from Abraham.
But what not even theologians
understand is that God made DUAL
promises to Abraham. He made the
promise of GRACE, to .come through
Abraham's descendant Jesus
Christ-but also he made unbreak–
able promises of RACE-overlooked
entirely by "traditional Christian–
ity" and theological "scholars. "
The promise God made to Abra–
ham ofGRACE was spiritual and indi–
vidual (Gal. 3: 16). But the promise
of RACE was purely national and
material. It is vital to the under–
standing of biblical prophecy to real–
ize that God made also to Abraham
promises of RACE-entirely separate
from the spiritual promises of salva–
tion and eterna! life.
God said: "And
will make thee
exceeding fruitful, and
will make
NATIONS [plural] of thee, and kings
[more than one] shall come out of
thee" (Gen. 17:6). Notice, these
nations and kings shall come
out of
Abraham- physical generation,
not spiritual regeneration.
will establish my covenant
between me and thee ... in
[plural] for an everlast–
ing covenant ..."(verse
Canno t Ap ply t o Jew s
This cannot apply
to the
Jews. The Jews have never been
more than