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The Plain Truth
is published in the
public interest and deals with matters
of social , family and environmental
concern. lt includes articles on inter–
national news, politics, philosophy,
religion and education especially
where these have a bearing on !he
quality of lile.
The magazine is not a political
publication and is not backed by any
political party or by any pressure
The publication rights of the maga–
zine are owned by the Worldwide
Church of God and the purpose of
The Plain Truth
is to inform and edu–
cate, putting world events into true
perspective and creating an aware–
ness of the seriousness of the times
in which we live. Direct emphasis is
placed on the válues of Christian
morality and the social results of the
increasing rejection of these values.
However. space is at times given to
divergent ideas. which may help clar–
ify in the reader 's mind the difieren!
aspects of controversia! issues.
The Plain Truth
carries no sub–
scription price. 1t is supported entirely
by voluntary contributions from read–
ers. The financia! support of the mag–
azine comes from readers who have
become convinced of its value and
who are concerned that
The Plain
should be made available free
of charge to an increasing number of
readers Your contributions are wel–
comed and gratefully received.
In a world continually confronted
by problems and crises,
The Plain
strives to give reasons for the
bad news
and answers lo life's dilem–
mas which if applied could bring
good news
and right results.
lt is al so the policy of this magazine
to consider the options if right solu–
tions are not applied. In line with this
we propound the belief that if and
when mankind fails to avert the ulti–
mate disaster, it will take adivine plan
lo save this earth and establis.h a new
order where all living will be able to
enjoy lasting peace , happiness ,
security and prosperity.
already known: stop doing what
causes the problems.
What has been and is now lack–
ing is a divine authority to
the solutions among nations. The
same can be said of a host of other
problems humanity faces. But the
individual today, who wants to
come under that divine authority
now, can do so-and quit smoking,
and quit a host of other evils he or
she has been engaged in.
The " Nature" of the World's
What a paradox! On the one hand,
human beings have developed
incredible technological marvels
that should make life easier and
more fulfilling for everyone. On the
other hand , sorne of those very
technological advances threaten
everyone's existence.
What is wrong? Why is this
world in such a predicament?
The P/ain Truth
points out the answer in discussing
t he world's troubles. The funda–
mental problem is human nature. I t
lies at the root of all man's ills. The
evil that human beings do, they do
under t he influence and sway of
what has become their human
Very few, though, have under–
stood the real
of human
nature. The
Plaín Truth
has defined the basic trait of
human nature in the simple terms
of "get" versus "give." "Getting"
is the way of human nature.
expresses itself in greed, selfish–
ness, the desire to take for the self
rather than give to others.
The Bible gives a list in 11 Timo–
thy 3:2-5 of the prominent charac–
teristics of this modero age. That is,
it addresses the problems. And it
gives the solutions.
speaks out on
such evils as crime, preparation for
and waging of war, dishonest busi–
ness practices, disturbed children ,
the breakdown of the family unit,
sexual immorality, the mad craze for
pleasure and gratification of the
senses, mental illness, economic
stress, spi ritual confusion.
The introductory words of this
scripture form the basis of it all:
"For men shall be Jovers of their
own selves.... "
Another passage from the Bible
expresses in one word the underly-
ing cause of this world' s ills. lt
speaks of "the corrupt ion that is in
the world through
( 11 Peter
1:4)__:.that is to say, because of
greed, because of seeki ng to get at
the expense of others.
"Why are there wars and
stri fe?" the Bible asks. Because
there is selfishness in human
nature, it answers (Jas. 4: l-3). But
the Bible reveals human nature can
be changed from serving the self at
the expense and suffering of others
to loving one's neighbor and even
one's enemies.
Can you imagine what this world
would be like if people spent more
time and effort giving than they do
seeking to get? What if nations,
instead of threatening to blow each
other up, sincerely SOI,lght to help
each other? lf, as God's laws show
how, individuals and nations would
put the interest of others first,
peace would break out all over tbe
is human nature that needs to
be changed. lt's as simple as that.
We could all have prosperity and
happiness now.
That is why
The Plain Truth
addresses- why it
the world's problems.
announce the causes and the solu–
tions of those problems.
We would, of course, like to see
· the knowledge acted upon by all,
now. But whether or not it is, we
are responsible to publish it. No
other mass-circulation magazine in
the wor ld even claims to fill the
role being filled by the magazine
you are at this moment holding in
your hands!
The mission of
The Plain Truth
in dealing with the world's crush–
ing problems is therefore twofold:
1) proclaim the good news of the
world tomorrow when divine gov–
ernment under Jesus Christ will
enforce the solutions to the world's
problems: 2) reveal how those who
are willing may even now, by yield–
ing to God and receiving his Holy
Spirit, overcome their human
nature and the problems it causes.
But what is the real force behind
human nature that must be over–
come? You may be surprised at the
answer! Be sure to write for a free
copy of our new booklet
Nature- Dld God Create lt?
inside front cover for addresses. o