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about the Soviet Union? What
about the People' s Republic of Chi–
na? J apan? What is prophesied for
these large nations today?
There are Bible prophecies about
ancient cities such as Tyre, Ashke–
lon, Zidon, Babylon and Jerusalem.
Does the Bible ignore modero cit–
ics- New York, Los Angeles,
Montreal, Johannesburg, Sydney,
London, Moscow, Rome and many
The Bible does not specifically
mention these modero nations and
cities by name, of course. But
events affecting thcm
are prophesied for the
fu tu re.
One important prin–
cipie is that most Bible
prophecy relates to the
ancient nations of Ju–
Israel. A com–
mon misconception to–
day is that many people
think prophecies con–
cerning ancient Israel
relate only to the mod–
ero nation of Israel in
the Middle East.
ero tribes of Israel had begun to
migrate from Persia toward Eu–
rope. Over centuries of time, they
finally settled in nortbwestern
Europe. Later sorne carne to the
Western Hemisphere, the southern
portian of Africa, to Australia and
other parts of the world.
To understand who are sorne of
the modero nations descended from
the so-called lost ten tribes, you
need to write for our free book
United States and Britain in
will make plain the
identity of the English-speaking
are not specifically named in thc
Bible by their current names, there
are events revealed about them in
But first, let's understand the
The Pano r ama o f Prophec y
We have already seen in the book
of Daniel how prophecy could not
be understood till the time of thc
end. In that same book of Daniel
we find the ovcrview of prophecy.
God cbose to reveaJ tbe frame–
work of prophecy to the Babylonian
king Nebuchadnezzar.
1n the second chapter
of Daniel, we read that
Nebuchadnezzar had a
vision - a
drcam. I n the dream he
saw a large image with
a head of gold, upper
torso of silver, waist of
brass and legs of iron.
He could not under–
stand the meaning of
the vision.
But Israel and Judah
were not the same
nations. Ancient Israel,
after Mases and the
judges, was a nation
divided until the reign
of king David.
ucd as one nation under
Solomon. After Solo–
mon's dcath, the king–
dom was again divided.
The northern ten tribcs
united under Jeroboam
and, later, established a
capital at Samaria. Ju–
dah and Levi, along
with a portian of the
God chose to reveal the framework of
prophecy to the Babylonian king
Nebuchadnezzar. .. . Nebuchadnezzar
had a vision.... he saw a large image
with a head of gold, upper torso of
silver, waist of brass and legs of iron.
God gave Daniel thc
interpretation , which is
r ecorded in D aniel
these verses
God revealed that
Nebuchadnezzar and
the Babylonian empire
were symbolized by the
head of gold. The
vision, however , re–
vealed the empire
would not continue
indefinitely. In fact,
there would be succes–
sive cmpires tbat would
exist until the govern–
ment of God would be
established on earth .
tribe of Benjamín, re-
tained J erusalem as their capital and
became known as the house of
Judah. Since that original split,
there never again was a national
union of Judah and Israel.
Sorne 200 years after the split, the
northero tribes of Israel were taken
into capt ivity by the Assyrians.
About 125 years later the Baby–
lonian king Nebuchadnczzar took
the house of Judah, the Jews, into
captivity. Later, under the Persian
kings, the Jews were permitted to
returo to their homeland.
By this time, part of the north-
world and help you understand the
prophetic times in which you live.
Since most Bible prophecy
focuses on the modero descendants
of ancient Israel
Judah, you
can' t understand Bible prophecy
without an understanding of who
these people are today.
Other nations, while not named
in the B ible by their modero
names, are spoken of in the Bible as
they come into contact, in Bible
prophecy, with Israel. So, while
nations such as the Soviet Union
and the People's Republic of China
In the early autumn
of 539 B.C. the Persian
king, Cyrus, conquered Babylon
and established the Medo-Persian
empire as the second imperial
power-the torso of silver. l t !asted
more than 200 years.
Tben, the Macedonians and
Greeks carne to power. Under
Alexander the Great, Greek cul–
ture and art were infused through–
out the Middle East. That empire,
the brass waist of the image, !asted
three centuries until Rome became
the dominant force in the world.
B.C. Rome had conquered
most of the territory of the previous