receive an edu cat io n , and th c
nation has been rated as one of the
three most literate countries in the
wor ld.
Czechoslovakia, however, is not
paradise. T he economy, and socie–
ty in general, is t ightly controlled.
There is a severe hous ing short–
age, a nd because of a c umbersome
and bureaucratic d ist r ibut ion sys–
tem, even a simple purchase can
involve a long wait in line. There
are many t hings abou t their way
of life they would like to see
changed. Bu t sucb changes do not
exists and how he should live. T hat
source is the law of God, as
revealed in t he Bible.
The Bible is the word of God,
given to man as an instruction
book by his Maker. lt teaches that
the first man, Adam, proved that
human beings, when g iven the
option, would reject the laws of
God as a way of lifc. So, God
allowed h im and his descendants
to learn their lessons t he hard
way. Ever s ince, the human race
has been engaged in the futile
quest of trying to discover a way
corruption, e nvy and the innate
tendency of human beings to want
to "get" for themselves at the
expense of others. T here is a miss–
ing ingredient in every system
invented by man to solve his prob–
lems. U nt il communist govern–
ments face t his fact , thcy may
continue to make progress in sorne
mater ia l fi e lds. But they wil l
always fall far shor t of t heir stated
long-term goal- a just and equi–
table· society for all.
Czechoslovaks can poi nt to thc
fact that they have less ser ious
crime, less juvenile delin–
quency and t he streets
are safe at nigh t. A nd
that a ll able-bodied work–
ers in Czech os lovakia
have a j ob to go to. ( [
nearly wrote ..Czechoslo–
vakia has no unemploy–
ment"-but tbat is an
overstatement. Sorne are
but can
get by with only a few
hou rs work a day. As
they say, ..l t's better than
having no job at all.")
The Shadow of the Past
Look at a map of Europe.
You wi ll see that Czech–
oslovakia is not so much
an eastern as a
European nation. Prague
is actually far ther to the
west t han Vienna, capi tal
a lways materia li ze as
hoped. The wor ks of
Marx, E ngels and Lenin
werc supposed to show
the way to true peace,
happiness, freedom and
prosperi ty. Karl Marx
was deeply affected by
the suffering of the
workers of Britain a nd
Europe d uring the earl ier
part of t he Jast century.
He became convinced
t hat the capitalist system,
i n w h ich weal t h was
becoming more and more
concentrated in the hands
of t he few, must event u–
a ll y self-destruct. The
workers would be d riven
to revolt against oppres–
sion, and the resul t would
inevitably be a classless
society in which the bond
of brotherhood between
working people wo ul d
bring about a world free
of envy, hatred and prej–
udice. A communist sys–
of Austria. H it ler once
called Czechoslovakia a
PRAGUE, one of the few major cities in Europ e in which
"dagger a imed at t he
is preservad p rewar architecture and c haracter.
heart of Germany," and
tem of governme n t, t ho u ght
Marx, would help a nation evolve
toward this "utopía."
But, Marx and those who carne
before and after him, overlooked
one vital point in their argument.
They did not understand how to
change the natu re of man. T he
commun ist phi losophers are not
alone in this. Nobody--communist
or capital ist, Eastern or Western
traditiona l bel iever or confirmed
atheist- understands why t he hu–
man race has not, is not and
not ever
develop a just society out
of its own resources.
Mankind has chosen to ignore
sou rce of knowledge that
can explain what he is, why he
of li fe t hat will bring lasting peace
and happiness. Many ways have
seemed right for a while Uust as
the Bible said they wou ld- Prov–
erbs 14: 12), but t he end result is
always t he same. Readers shou ld
write for our free booklet
Befor e Vnderstood- Why H u–
manity Cannot So/ve l ts Evils
a full explanat ion of t his impor–
tant su bject. Man has ex peri–
mented with many difTcrent forms
of government. Communism is
one of t he more recent ones. But
we can say it has been around
long enough to prove that just like
capi talism, it doesn't have all t he
answers. No polit ical system has
yet been able to abo lish greed ,
took terri b le act ion to
make sure the point was blunted.
More on t hat in a moment.
Because of its geographical posi–
t ion, Czechoslovakia has been on
center stage during much of
Europe's turbulent history. Almost
withou t interrupt ion, its people
have been under one ki nd of for–
eign domination or a not her.
Through t he centu ries, Czech
ter ritory has been a favorite bat–
t leg r ound for ot h er n ation s'
T he modero nation of Czecho–
slovakia carne into being in 1918,
when the old Aus tro-Hungar ian
Empire was dismant le d aft er
World War
Two peoples, the
(Continued on page 41)